S J, very nice topic! I am enjoying reading the answers.
I can relate to the cleaning beforehand. Although our home is always clean, it is a great way to use some of that excitement energy the day before the trip.
I begin packing mentally a month ahead. I have my printed packing list and suitcase on the guest bed. I lay out options for clothes after trying them all on again and set aside a few hotter/colder options depending on the final weather forecast. It makes me happy to walk by the room and see a trip coming soon!
I like to bring a personal item that I can see in my hotel room. I started doing that when I was traveling for work. It’s usually my collapsible silicone cup that I use for my bathroom cup and also if I’m making “make do” coffee in my hotel room - the instant coffee sticks.
I’m allergic to a lot of fake scents, colognes, etc. so I save a nice smelling soap I find at home or on a trip to bring a small bar (or I cut one down to a small size). I keep one in my suitcase, even when it’s empty at home on the shelf, so my suitcase doesn’t get a funky smell. I’ll use the soap at some location during the trip. During the week on work trips, it was nice to open the hotel room and smell something pleasant & familiar.
I prefer the small family-run hotels in the center of the historical section of cities, but for my first location, I’m looking for a hotel where I will get a great night’s sleep to get over the jet.
I spend a crazy amount of time researching & planning ahead of time, but during my trip, I give myself full permission to do whatever I want - no “must do’s”. I review the options on the train ride for the next location and then do what sounds fun in the moment. When my adult daughter came with me last September, we loved the fun of reviewing options together on the train and then the spontaneity each day.