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Likes About This Forum

Just saw @darrenblois’ Gripes About This Forum post. Yes, newer users ask repetitive questions that could be easily and quickly answered if they knew to use the search feature - or thought to do so. Yes, people ask questions that could be far better framed, or that should have been first investigated with guide books or online resources, including the Explore Europe sections of this website. Yes, we are not always kind and gentle in our responses. And yes, too many OPs fail to thank responders for some great advice.

But let’s look at the positives here. I have gained great ideas for numerous trips here. For me …

  • Font de Gaume
  • Chartres en Lumieres
  • Mosel vs. Rhine
  • Places to explore in Campania’s Cilento region
  • Advice on car insurance - and not getting CDW because of what my credit card provides
  • Advice on travel insurance - evacuation coverage vs trip cancellation
  • Spend enough time in Sicily

I have enjoyed forum responses to thoughts I have shared and personal messages I have received.

I am amazed by great responses from many of you. Valdelphia, Ellizabeth (formerly Bets of L’Occitainie), Russ, Acraven, isn31c, JoLui, Mr. E, UncleGus, and many more. ) I have been moved by others … Jean comes immediately to mind.

Last summer/fall I was delighted to find the Beyond Europe section and to get practical advice and ideas for our Washington DC - Colonial Virginia - Blue Ridge Parkway - Nashville trip.

I have re-lived staying at Hotel Inn 1800 in Granada and visiting the Alhambra, cycling the Dordogne and Loire, watching barristers ply their trade in the Old Bailey and enjoying the quiet Wallace Collection Museum in London, seeing amazing frescoes in Florence, swimming in Los Pilones in Extremedura, wandering the Passages Couvertes in Paris and so much more.

Thanks for your shares, ideas, knowledge, trip reports, time and generosity.

So, I want to Like, rather than Gripe.

Posted by
390 posts

Highest signal-to-noise ratio of any forum I know (with the possible exception of HN). Could be better but so could everything else.

Posted by
6679 posts

fred, I'm with you. I just responded to the "Gripes" thread; here is part of what I had to say. I think it fits even better here:

I cannot even begin to express how grateful I am for the help I have received from people here over the years. Just last year I had some great help from Stuart and others when I found that the information from Google didn't tell me all I needed to know about changing trains in England. I was so thankful that Forum Folk stepped up to give me the last minute (almost literally the last minute!) information I needed to keep our trip on track. (So to speak.)

I appreciate this Forum so much; I have learned a lot; I hope I have helped people in turn; and I marvel at the nice people I have met, and yes, the friends I have made through this venue.

Thank you.

Posted by
4172 posts

Very well said Fred. I enjoy giving as well as receiving from knowledgeable, generous forum participants too who have patience for the new and complex questions.

Posted by
404 posts

Rick Steves and team are a quality organization. This forum is top notch. They are light touch referees with their version of a polite enforcing of a kind of "no grumps" rule helps keep this place cheery.

Way to go team Rick!

Now can I tell a dirty off color joke about an Irish bloke? No? What the deuce!! Censorship!

Posted by
5094 posts

It’s been a minute since I joined the forum and asked my first question in 2012 after nearly a year of just reading. I received good feedback about the Ballenberg Museum in Switzerland - and I think it was Laurel who saved my brain about getting from the Cinque Terre to Lucerne. Nigel recommended my husband and I just stay by the airport in Birmingham for our last night, as opposed to trying to stay in town and get back to the airport for an early flight.

I have been places I had never thought of, thanks to people here. In passing, I mentioned my husband’s death - and received a number of supportive PM’s.

I have now been privileged to have met a number of people who frequent the forum and enjoyed every time. Some have become good friends. Some feel like good friends, even if we haven’t yet met in real life.

So yes, most of us occasionally get a little cranky - but it’s a good place to be. Hopefully I can be help to and patient with new travelers since I was one myself and received that grace!

Posted by
1162 posts

Seems my original post was taken down. I guess some didn't want to hear what I had to say. I like this place, I really do, I just think it can stand to be criticized and improved, like we all can. I don't think that should be the subject of censorship.

Posted by
247 posts

This is a nice post... On a personal note, I joined this forum at the start of the year as an alternative to spending time on increasingly toxic social media sites (and because I love travel) and I think that decision has been extremely beneficial for my mental health. It's also been so helpful- I have a trip coming up in a few weeks and two of the activities I've booked came from recommendations on here. So... thanks to everyone here for making this both a pleasant and useful place.

Posted by
10549 posts

Thanks for launching this thread, Fred. I also want to be on record stating how much I like this Forum and appreciate the assistance people provide and the fun and moving reflections that people share.

Thanks for reminding us to say thanks ! Thanks to RS for providing the space and Andrew (and his team??) for keeping us on track.

Posted by
1171 posts

Thanks fred for keeping the spirit of Rick Steves in your post. To me, Rick Steves Travel Forum is about expressing the joy of traveling, sharing that joy, being able to ask the most simple of questions and answering others' questions with consideration and kindness. After all, this is Rick Steves Travel Forum, not (fill in your own name) Travel Forum.

Posted by
476 posts


I actually enjoyed a bunch of the replies to your post and I am sorry it was taken down.

But hey, some of my reply observations on my own post last fall - - led to the webmaster’s private message to me and my decision to edit out some of my own words. I knew I was testing some limits, but I was thinking about one of Rick’s phrases - travel as a political act.

I generally think the webmaster does a good job keeping us politic and positive.

It’s the generosity of so many contributors keeps me engaged here.

Posted by
1162 posts

I actually enjoyed a bunch of the replies

Thanks, Fred. I wish I could have seen them.

Posted by
404 posts

Sorry your post was taken down. I respect the referee though. They throw flags at me all the time. (But then I like to throw some elbows as I make my way to the basket!)

Happy travels.

Posted by
10823 posts

fred, thank you for the reminder that much more is right with this forum than is wrong. I have been here for a very long time and it has impacted my life in ways I could never have foreseen. I have learned much about travel to many places and I hope I have been helpful to others in return. The biggest impact goes much deeper than that for me. I started the Sacramento Travel Group in July 2010 and it was the beginning of some beautiful friendships. Some members have passed away and some people come and go, but there is a core group that has been around for a long time, including from the very first meeting. Some of us socialize in real life. When Covid started and we were all stuck at home I started the International Travel Group. Again, I have been fortunate to meet some of the forum folks in real life and am thankful for that. I’ve actually been meeting up with forum folks since about 2011, maybe earlier. I feel so lucky to have found this forum.

Posted by
390 posts

A forum without moderators doesn't work in this new World. I'm happy with the moderation I've seen. More than happy, I appreciate it.

Posted by
2972 posts

I agree, there is a lot to like about this forum. I have met several posters in real life, and they were wonderful. The threads always give me something to think about.

Posted by
15259 posts

Nice thread, Fred!

I love the forum and spend parts of every day here, lol! I've gained valuable travel information and hope I've returned the favor to others.

I now have a core of awesome travel friends from this forum and try to meet with many of them whenever we turn up in the same place at the same time. And yes, I juggle my itinerary sometimes just to make that happen. Go to Paris a week before I planned to travel or stay a few days longer to make sure I see some special folks? Just the ticket!

I love my local travel meet up folks as well! What a wonderful group!

I'll add that I am on Trip Advisor daily as well and have WAY too many posts to my name over there. "My" forums over there are not particularly nasty at present but some that I drop in to are. There is very little of that here and if there is nastiness I know I can count on Andrew to sort things out. This travel forum is a way to sanity for me, lol. I can read threads or skip over ones that are not of interest or that look like they are going to go off the rails.

Thanks to the group and special thanks to Andrew and the IT team for the moderation.

Posted by
228 posts

My thanks to everyone here. This forum has a great signal to noise ratio. And it's even almost spam free! I also appreciate the webmasters/censors for the great job they do. Sorry this country/world has become so polarized, but it is. We should focus here on helping each other travel and learn. Let's leave the commentary on the sad state of the world to the social media and other outlets, where fake news and propaganda is expected. We are better than that. Ok, I'll sit down now.

Posted by
8814 posts

Fred, nice thread! I'm another one who has benefited so much from this forum—and Rick Steves. I still remember when I got my first computer back in 1996 (just in time for my first overseas trip to the UK). The very first website I went to was I was so excited as I disappeared into so many internet rabbit holes on his site. I could not believe the knowledge and information that was right there at my disposal. I will never forget that feeling.

I've had a love affair with computers (and ever since. I was here during the Graffiti Wall, and the Helpline (not as much as now, as I was still working) and loved digging through all the tips and forum help. Since then, I've gotten help from so many people here; and like Pam, have met members while traveling, which is such a wonderful experience.

Is the forum perfect? No, but neither are we. If I want to be yelled at for a badly written question or reply, I'll go to Reddit. But if I want to hear from thousands of fellow travelers who allow me to have the best travel experience ever, I come here. And here I'll stay.

Posted by
21691 posts

fred, well done.

The quality of the people here. Even, especially, the ones I disagree with. There isn't a one that I wouldnt find pleasure in meeting. G-d Bless.

Posted by
3394 posts

Thanks for launching this thread, Fred. I also want to be on record stating how much I like this Forum and appreciate the assistance people provide and the fun and moving reflections that people share.
Thanks for reminding us to say thanks ! Thanks to RS for providing the space and Andrew (and his team??) for keeping us on track.

Ditto. Totally agree with Kim on this.

Posted by
4867 posts

What I like about this Forum...I can easily scroll by posts that I don't like, thus, no need for gripes if I don't like what others have posted. Other than that, honest, informed answers which is not always the case on some Facebook travel pages.

Posted by
34688 posts

I've really enjoyed this Forum / Helpline / Graffiti Wall over the years. Every once in a while something rubs me up the wrong way but almost all the time I'm a happy guy standing up at the bar here.

I've learned way more than any amount of advice I've doled out. It is a good place to be.

Thanks very much, fred, for this thread.

Thanks a million to our dear Andrew, the Webmaster, and the rest of the sanity keepers.

Posted by
12291 posts

There isn't a one that I would find pleasure in meeting. (Mr.E)

Did this come out the way you meant it?

Posted by
12291 posts

Thanks a million to our dear Andrew, the Webmaster, and the rest of the sanity keepers.

I suspect there are days where we could find them at Rory's at 5:06PM already on their 2nd drink.
(It' a 5 minute walk, but I doubt they would be moving that slowly) :-)

It is good to recognize the 'good' and not just complain about the 'bad'.

Posted by
390 posts

"........................ its a JOKE!" (son)

I swear, I "heard" that in Foghorn Leghorn's voice.

And there are people here old enough to understand that. :)

(edit: I liked Foghorn)

Posted by
1050 posts

Fred, thanks for finding a positive spin. 🧡

Re the other topic that was removed, doing so wasn't about censoring the opinions. We accept criticism of this forum and we've had threads regarding etiquette in in the past. His points about what could be better are all things I agree with. The rest is getting traded via email between him and I as it should be for any moderation.

We have a pretty great group of travelers here and it's impressive how much you all help each other. Thank you to all for being broadly supportive of our moderation. I'm protective of you all - even our newbies - even when I'm contacting you to knock it off ;). When there are two ways to make sure that our forum is a reasonably positive place, I'd much rather spend time working through an issue than the heavy-handed alternative.

Except for spammers. "And it's even almost spam free!" ...not quite but we're doing what we can given the professional outfits slinging spam at this forum every day. Glad to hear the signal-to-noise ratio is pretty good.

"I've learned way more than any amount of advice I've doled out. It is a good place to be." Impressive for a guy with 34,000+ posts!

"I suspect there are days where we could find them at Rory's at 5:06PM already on their 2nd drink." Different bar. ;)

Posted by
228 posts
  1. I say, I say, I say, boy, ... (I like Foghorn too)

  2. I'd buy the 3rd drink if I knew how.

Posted by
390 posts

"I'd buy the 3rd drink if I knew how."

Maybe setup a tab at nearby bars? The "Rick Steves Memorial Sanity-of-Moderators" fund.

And make it a 50 cent* donation every time one of your comments is nuked. :)

A dollar if it's a post.

I'll start the fund.

(*consult european/rest-of-world-ian for appropriate conversion)

Posted by
395 posts

Thank you for the post. So many helpful responses and a few not so much. But I have learned so much from so many of you and I appreciate your detailed responses. Many of you longtime and frequent posters have made our travels so much easier. Please continue to contribute.

Posted by
703 posts

I like that there are so many on this forum that have actually visited the places I want to explore, so they can offer realistic, knowledgeable advice. The forum provided a safety net on my first solo trip, even when I got confused about a train ticket and needed immediate help. I sent out a message, and got a response that set me straight right away. I guess researching here has given me the confidence to stretch myself further with each trip I've taken. How cool is that?

I don't always have the same interests as those who offer input, but it's not hard to screen out what won't suit my personal style and once in a while I decide to try something different based on ideas offered here.

I do sometimes wonder about the people that seem to post all day, every day. It makes me wonder why they aren't out there living their own adventures, but to each their own and it's not for me to judge.

Posted by
1162 posts

Re the other topic that was removed, doing so wasn't about censoring the opinions.

Well, that's EXACTLY what it was; what else was it?.

But its true Webmaster and I have exchanged views by email, and I thank him for his considered response. And I thank those who have responded here and by email for the support.

Posted by
404 posts

darrenblois -

While I said above I respect the referee and the forum and all that, sometimes I gotta say the ref is blind! The ref blew the call!

Also, I've been to Moncton. Lovely place.

And again, sorry. You were robbed. I understand you can write to Rick himself at [email protected]. Maybe if you tell him his webmaster is slacking-off you can get a recount or something,

P.S. It is posts like the one I just wrote here that get me sideways on the forum boss every once and awhile. Crazy, right? Happy travels!

Posted by
8814 posts

I do sometimes wonder about the people that seem to post all day, every day. It makes me wonder why they aren't out there living their own adventures, but to each their own and it's not for me to judge.

KRS, keep in mind that many of us are retired and have time on our hands. We worked our whole lives and now have a bit of down time. I can't be adventuring every day 24/7 although I do try to get in as many adventures as I can before breakfast. I also play Wordle once a day and do the NYT crossword. It's fun (just like checking the forum) and I'm happy to spend a bit of time each morning learning about travel and sharing what I know (which isn't a lot compared to some people here).

Posted by
476 posts

Even though I helped generate convos about the webmaster with my own, earlier reply, I’d rather hear about travel and what the forum does for us - and less about the webmaster at this point.

It’s the generosity of so many contributors keeps me engaged here.

Posted by
1098 posts

I rely on this forum, plus TripAdvisor Forums, for travel info. I was also a big fan of the Lonely Planet Thorntree forums that went away a few years ago...

The moderation here is sometimes a tad heavy handed for my tastes, but overall this is a very well run place. Keep up the good work.

And while you are at it, fix the search function, please. I can't find anything using it, so maybe it is just me?


Posted by
590 posts

A positive comment and a concern.

I have taken one RS tour. Years ago. It was a great experience. But the most surprising and best thing about it--what I highlight to others thinking about a RS tour--was the other people on the tour. More than the itinerary and the guide, that was what stood out for me.

The best thing about this forum is its members. So many on these forums are so passionate, helpful, encouraging, and knowledgeable that they willingly answer exceedingly basic questions perhaps asked many times, and volunteer invaluable tips and suggestions based on their travel experience. Ask a question and it is amazing how many respond quickly with superlative information and insight.

Now the concern going forward. Nobody comes to these forums looking to discuss politics--I certainly do not--and I understand the webmaster having a heavy hand when it comes to posts venturing towards political topics. But I do wonder whether in the future the travel experience of Americans in Europe will be noticeably affected by what is happening politically. Whether there has been or has not been any change in how Americans are welcomed seems a legitimate question for even experienced travelers. (And we had these threads several months ago with over-tourism in Barcelona and other places in Europe, and they were informative.) I would hope, with serious boundaries, these forums would permit some discussion.

Posted by
8814 posts

And while you are at it, fix the search function, please. I can't find anything using it, so maybe it is just me?

JoJo, it's not just you—the search engine is pretty inadequate, but it's my understanding that they can't just "fix" it. It would need to be overhauled with everything else into a new system, which is probably a huge financial undertaking (I remember the last 2 overhauls from the Graffiti Wall to the Helpline and then to this).

Posted by
7261 posts

I do wonder whether in the future the travel experience of Americans
in Europe will be noticeably affected by what is happening

Just my two cents. There'd be nothing at all gained if we spent our forum time speculating on the impacts to travelers of political decisions made by this administration or that administration. Not only are the odds greatly against such impacts (does anyone recall a time when Americans were singled out with European travel restrictions or shunning, official or unofficial??) but there's also no way to prevent such impacts from happening - should they happen. AFAIK, there's no evidence that travel forum discussions have ever swayed the sentiments of Europeans toward us or the travel policies their governments might have imposed on us.

IF our government's politics DO somehow result in negative outcomes for US travelers, that will be the time for US travelers to discuss how to handle things.

There are already many online venues for this type of speculation/soothsaying/wondering/gossip when it comes to how US policy/politics are perceived abroad; personally, I am very pleased with this forum's efforts to stay focused on real travel issues.

Posted by
664 posts

Another vote for the positive place in my life this forum holds. Thanks for stating it so well, Fred . We have so many great contributors that have helped me in many, many ways since I’ve started checking in a long time ago. I’ve learned so much and lately it’s been a great mental health aid, too. I can only read so much hard news before I need a RS Forum break!

I am amazed at how generous so many of the contributors are in sharing their wisdom, answering the same questions over and over in a positive way. Also I’m so grateful for our ‘in country’ contributors that share life on the ground in their homes. This site is truly excellent.

Posted by
590 posts

Perhaps I need to clarify my thoughts--and this may largely be for the webmaster for future consideration rather than for Russ. I was not suggesting that travel-forum discussions could influence public opinion in or the policies of other countries. I was not suggesting speculative discussions. I was not suggesting travel to France or Germany will become unsafe for American visitors. No one is expecting--I certainly am not--Germany in 1938.

I was suggesting that if six weeks or six months or two years from now there are stories that American travelers are not as well received in some European countries as they historically have been--and if there are such stories, they will likely be sensationalized much like the stories about Barcelona and over-tourism--this forum would be a good place to ask whether the stories are broadly true and whether recent travelers to those countries have seen any significant difference in their travel experience. For example, I might welcome comments from Fred in San Francisco on whether, on a recent trip he made to Germany and France, politics affected his visit.

I am not interested in debating or reading about political policies. I just want to know what the travel experience is like

Posted by
15304 posts

@ concerns of US citizens traveling in Europe in light of the "political" situation and pertaining to my trips last summer and that of the summer of 2023, a total of 21 weeks. That makes me ask "What is one afraid of?" Or, should I be afraid something ?

First of all, no unfriendly or rude encounters at all, let alone hostility. None whatsoever. I let my interlocutors know in Austria, France and Germany that I'm a Calif boy, ie American. Language-wise, in Austria and Germany I talk with them only in German and it stays that way. More effective that way. In France due to my linguistic inferiority I have to lapse into English more often that I like since it's needed. Do I engage with these interlocutors on the topic of US politics....but, of course, as well as delving into history, etc, etc, etc. I don't avoid politics as topic over there.

Both trips I went to "backdoor" or those even easily defined as "backwater" places in France and Germany, ie Lorraine, Toul, Morhange, Luneville, Thionville and several places in northern France, close to Belgium eg, Mauberge, and those east of Reims in the direction of the Aube River.

In Germany I went to the Uckermark area NW of Berlin to see the town of Prenzlau, which had always intrigued me, finally got there in 2024. ...didn't see enough, will have to go back. Sociologically and culturally, it's an eye-opener.

Bottom line: I know it is an individual assessment as to traveling in these political times. I have no concerns let alone fears regarding my personal safety, behaviour, or reaction from locals given the politics, one reason is I'm not interested since for me these concerns , worries are groundless. I am not going to be deterred from continued trips to Europe. In a few months my trip will be on....fantastic.

Posted by
489 posts

Fred you mentioned Luneville. Back in 1988 while hiking from Belgium to Italy I pulled a toddler out of a car wreck just outside the town. Lady had flipped the car into a ditch just up ahead of me. She was okay as was a smaller child. The toddler was pinned but I somehow managed to move the car enough to pull the young fella out from under the car. I sat hugging him tight until the ambos arrived, he seemed OK not too happy of course.

Posted by
590 posts

Fred, as always, thanks for the response. I was in Europe on election day in November. Absolutely no issues in the UK and France. The only awkward part of the trip was dealing with other Americans on the QM2 sailing home--which is certainly the reason these forums want to stick solely with travel. Going forward, I have absolutely no concerns about physical safety and will be traveling in October. But I will note there was an article yesterday in the New York Times about travel anxiety with trips to Europe.

I apologize to everyone for sending this thread slightly off course and welcome a return to a discussion over why these forums are special. And again, I nominate the forums' outstanding members and contributors. You have questions about travel to Germany, walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain, Spain itineraries, Budapest hotels, the best plays on London's West End, or old American Eighth Air Force bases in England? I can think of a number of members--I will save them the embarrassment of being named--who over the years have immediately responded to my private messages or thread posts with invaluable information. And in kind, if I can be helpful, I try to offer others my thoughts and experiences.

Posted by
15304 posts

@ Eatsroot.....Glad to know that incident turned out well thanks to you.

I went to Luneville since it has to do with Napoleonic history.

The treaty ending the War of the Second Coalition in the French Revolutionary Wars was signed in Luneville when the Austrians having engaged the French in big 2 battles in one year, beaten twice, the first one by Napoleon, the 2nd by Moreau, who hated Napoleon, decided to conclude the peace in 1801 , signed in Luneville.

The site is called today the House of the Treaty. I was under the impression it was signed in the Chateau de Luneville or the Hotel de Ville (City Hall)...wrong. .

Posted by
11902 posts

This Forum has replaced doom-scrolling for me with great benefit. Thanks for all for being (mostly) uplifting and helpful. This is “my” community online versus Reddit or any of the other forums out there, warts and all, as they say!

Posted by
15304 posts

@ RJ...You're welcome.

My comments, observations, personal experiences, etc mentioned above only pertain to traveling in France, Austria and Germany, as the 21 weeks were spent in these countries alone, ie, bailed out on the night train Vienna to Gdansk and the day trip Berlin to Poznan...inertia and laziness.

I was in Paris on the week of June June 9, the date of the European parliament elections staying Gare du Nord in a nice , spacious room , bath and shower for 100 Euro, 2 star hotel. That night as the shocking results of far-parties winning dramatically in Italy, Austria, German and France, I was glued to the TV watching the French news flipping channels to see the coverage.

Two nights later, ie Tues. at 22:30 all this noise from a massive crowd could be heard almost literally under the hotel (it was from across the street). I saw people in hotels across the street peering the windows to see what was afoot.

It was a huge , noisy crowd and all that but peaceful protesting Le Pen's stunning and dramatic victory in this first round of the elections. History in the making or revolution in the streets in the French tradition ....bravo ! Fantastic !

I had a hunch something like this would take place as a consequence to the election's outcome.

Bottom line given the current situation be it tariffs, trade war, tourism upsurge, emotions, etc, I am most definitely looking forward to getting back in Europe, especially to France and Germany, by early to mid-June, no deviation from my vacation plans at all.

Posted by
9343 posts

What I like about this forum is the many people that I have met because of it. Have been on TA just as many years, yet have only met 2 people. On this forum, have met at least 20-25 people. Some of them have become good friends, not just meet in Frankfurt for a coffee so we can put a face to a name. Meeting for a coffee though, is how it began most of the time, add in a walk around the city, show them my favorite spots, have some lunch, make friends with them on FB, add them on Whatsapp, and years later we are all still friends. Meeting when we can, either here or in the US when I am there, and even going on short trips together.

The Zoom meetings that began because of Covid have added an extra touch to the forums. Probably one of the best things to come out of Covid. If there were more of them in other cities, I would certainly go to them.

So, that is my favorite thing about this forum.

Posted by
8163 posts

”I want to Like, rather than Gripe.”. Well said, Fred!

The travel forum that started as my little “lunch break getaway” from engineering on rainy days in Seattle has turned into a daily check for me over coffee after morning NYT puzzles or an evening pause on busier days.


  • We all don’t travel the same. I like reading about others’ ideas & questions for their hopes & priorities.
  • People are genuinely helpful! I always post my rough itinerary now for the next trip because someone often has an idea that improves what I’d originally planned. I hope I am helping others in return.
  • People are prompt in responding. I’ve sent a couple of PM’s while in a country, and both of them quickly answered my question- very much appreciated to not feel completely alone when traveling solo.
  • It’s an avenue that’s the opposite of AI responses. We’re real with each other. Travel isn’t just facts & sites, and our trip reports bring out the wonder & excitement, and yes, some of the harder emotions at times. I love reading the trip reports!
  • The humor. I can’t walk by an airport shop displaying peanut M&M’s now without thinking about that funny post. Or so many other topics that bring out our groups’ sense of humor!
Posted by
443 posts

I just wanted to out in my thanks to the moderator here because it makes such a big difference. When so much can take a political bent no matter the topic, it’s nice to take a step back and read about what can often be very detailed responses see from all you travel nerds (meant with all affection). I haven’t always taken the advice I’ve been given but I appreciate the time so many put in to making this a nice place to visit even when I don’t have an actual trip planned.