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Light, thin clothes and securing documents

I've just realized my packing list has precious little with pockets, and a great lot that will make anything around my neck obvious (light, thin cotton skirts and linen pants and fitted camisoles, light shawls to cover up, one denim jacket with useless pockets!). I'm concerned a moneybelt will also be obvious under my clothes, which are fairly close fitted and will reveal the outline of anything as bulky as my passport.

I do plan on carrying a bag. It's a pretty large messenger bag, and I currently use it much the same was I plan to use it when I'm at home. I feel secure taking it with me to inner city Oakland and San Francisco because I can zip up all the compartments, and cover all but two very small pockets with the flap that can be secured. I can also secure the bag to my person with built in straps and wear it in the back (easier to walk) or front (easier to monitor). I'm wondering if keeping something like the PacSafe TourSafe wallet clipped to the inside of the main compartment would be safe enough to store my passport? Or is that too great a risk? I can certainly try the moneybelt, but what do I do if it's obvious under my light clothes?

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16744 posts

What countries are you visiting?

I wouldn't worry about the neck wallet or money belt being visible under your clothes, as someone would still have to assault you to get it and that is very rare. Pickpockets are looking for easy targets. ( And BTY, in 15 trips to Euroe we've never encountered one.)

As for keeping things in the messenger bag, my rule is to keep important things behind 2 zippers, one of them secured with a clip so it can't be opened quickly. I have been comfortable traveling in France, Italy, Switzerland, etc. that way. But my "2 zippers" are in a small cross-body leather purse (6 x 6 x 2) that stays attached at all times. One problem with a messenger bag comes when you take it off to sit down at a cafe, or elsewhere.

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97 posts

Portugal. I won't be spending a lot of time on trams, but I do plan on spending some of my free time taking the metro to visit a few shops (I craft, so I want to get some Portuguese yarn and spindles). I'll mostly be in Porto and Lisbon, with one week in Ponta Delgada (on the island of Sao Miguel, which is supposed to be very safe).

Theoretically, if I had my passport and cards and such in something like the TourSafe wallet, it would be a zipper for the wallet, two zippers for the main compartment (I can even use a combination lock if I'm feeling paranoid!), and a flap that has clasps to secure it down. Not exactly easy to get to. I can keep small bills and change in the little zippered pockets under the flap as I do when in the cities here.

It is rather large, but I usually end up with it swung around on my lap while I commute on trains and buses here. I will still have to be careful about where I put it down, but I'm used to storing it between my feet at restaurants so I can feel if it moves.

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28 posts

I have had this issue on past trips. I solved it by putting my neck pouch money belt in the small of my back with the strap around my waist. Some outfits also allow it to sit across the chest and hang under your arm especially if it is cinched rather tightly. I would have both options with you and stick with the moneybelt in the big cities on subways and buses and go for the messanger bag with the safe wallet in situations with fewer pickpockets and theft.

I leave my passport in the safe in my hotel most days. So plan your big travel day outfits around needing to wear the money belt. There is something so very reassuring about having your passport right there on your body next to you.

Also, buy a tan money belt, not black.

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97 posts

I hope this isn't too personal a question, but, um, was the strap for the neckpouch rather large on you? My body shape is best described as a miniature pear, so while i have hips, I'm not a very large person at first glance (I've had people deny I'm pear shaped at all, but clearly they haven't tried on swimsuits with me!)

I do think I will plan my outfits out a little better for travel days. We have a lot of weekend trips scheduled, but there will be very few times where I'll need a lot of anti-theft planning, since we're doing a lot of travel to rural areas. I'm not staying at hotels, though (hostels and for one month a private studio owned by a company that runs dorms for the universities). For the hostels with an extended stay (instead of one night), should I invest in a travel safe or keep my papers with me? (The longest periods of time in single hostels will be Ponta Delgada and Lisbon.)

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284 posts


Put the moneybelt on such that it rides on your backside with the clip on your left hip. Tie the loose elastic around your underpants in case the clip comes loose. This way any buldges are on your backside and the side of your hip which should not be too noticeable until you wear something like spandex or clothes a size too small for you.


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463 posts

oh good i'm glad you like it! i was contemplating making my own, actually (because i think the price on that one is a bit high, but it was the best one i could find) and my sewing skills are not bad (from my wanna-be hippie days!) but for a month long trip and to hold something as important as a passport and a credit card, i kind of want something NOT made by me!

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30 posts

I'm looking for some summer dresses for our trip to Italy, and since some of the posters here seem to wear them as well...I was wondering if you could give me some shopping suggestions. Thanks!

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97 posts

Since I'm in the SF Bay Area, I've been going into little Tibetan and Indian shops to pick up light, hot-weather friendly clothes. Lots of silk and cotton (I prefer natural fibers), and most of it either folds up nicely, or (in the case of my skirts) is twisted up and knotted when not in use--you WANT wrinkles! I also plan on picking up some Mexican clothes from the local markets if possible. Lower-end department stores like JC Penny's and Sears will also usually have lice light clothes. i went to a local independent dept. store and picked up a pair of linen pants for about $30. I plan on supplementing some of this with stores like H&M (as an added bonus, H&M is in Europe, so I know I won't look too out of place wearing their clothes!). And it doesn't sound sexy, but places like Fashion Bug usually have some nice skirts and dresses. Just don't expect super high quality. Target also has some nice casual dresses in the $20-30 range. Old Navy also usually has good deals (and capris, too, since I don't want to be wearing a skirt every day and every place I go).

Also keep in mind that, though it may be a little more expensive than these $20 options I'm suggesting, you may be able to buy some cute things in Italy and make them nice souvenirs! About half my wardrobe is things my grandmother sends me from Portugal.

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307 posts

I echo the comments of a couple of posters...wear a lightweight money belt in the small of your back( not meant to be a plug for his products, but Rick's silk moneybelt is the best I've seen). It fits( or at least mine did) right under the waistline of your pants. I wore mine everyday for 39 days last Fall in Europe, and never even realized I was wearing it most of the and secure...

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463 posts

i have the same concern--i wear mainly (ok, only) light summer dresses, and i'm considering something like this...

...note i do not SELL these, i just found them online and was contemplating purchasing one. wear it around your waist but lower than shown in the picture, so that the little pouch part hangs along one of your thighs (or, if you're feeling very insecure, in front of your, ahem...area. you'd definitely notice if someone was pickpocketing that!) i was looking for one for a while and this was the one i bookmarked--it is something like the renaissance style removable pocket lots of wannabe hippie girls wear at music festivals (ok--i admit it, i used to be one of those girls and that's why i'm looking for something like this!) it might not be your thing--i realize it is a bit odd--but hey, it also might be just what you are looking for.

have a great trip!

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97 posts

That hip pocket is really cute!I'm afraid my sewing skills are somewhat lacking, but maybe if I ask very sweetly my mother-not-in-law would be willing to make one up. She's just made herself a full size messenger bag, so this would be nothing to her! She probably even has some silk scraps laying about. It may still be obvious with some of my skirts if I let it hang loose (the skirts aren't tight, just very light and move readily, so you can tell if there's anything under them that isn't smooth), but a simple garter band would make it very secure.

I think if I try making one (with help sewing, obviously!), I would buy a small double zipper online so I can lock it if I have it off my body.

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1568 posts

Brook, I am 5'1" and wear the neck wallet with no problems. All my travel blouses have collars and the cord is not exposed. I don't believe any pick pocket is going to put his hand down my neck or up from the bottom of my shirt to get to the neck wallet.

Main thing is just be aware of people that approach you. If you need directions etc, you approach someone. Another point is be very aware of your surroundings when you are using an ATM and try to get to a bathroom to stash the money ASAP. Carry only the money you plan to use that day in a safe but accessible area on your body.

I use the PacSafe StashSafe 200 for items I use daily. All openings are locked.

Make sure items you leave in a hostel are locked.

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1568 posts

I ALWAYS keep my passport, Rail Pass, money, credit cards, ATM card and other important documents in my neck wallet at all times.

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97 posts

I just had a fun idea. What if you clip a small pouch to your underthings?!

I was looking at the leg pouches, but I don't trust that they would stay up on my leg and out of sight (and not move around and bother me when I walk a lot--plus they seem to be meant for the lower leg, and that will be exposed on me more often than not) without the straps squeezing my leg uncomfortably, but with a clip like this, I've added one more layer of security. Plus I might feel a little like a secret agent having stuff strapped to my upper leg, so that's fun.

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97 posts

Resurrecting this thread to say I found a money belt that;s a bit smaller than the others I've seen. I picked it up at REI, but Amazon sells it here:

It;s not silk, unfortunately, but it is a nice lingerie type satiny material. It's also small. Just big enough for my passport (Canadian--not sure if US passports are larger). I tried it on under my lightest, flowiest skirt, and it was only visible if I angled my hips in ways most un-ladylike! The entire strap in elastic, so I set it so that it sat loosely at about my skirt's waistline, then pulled it down so it was snug. It hasn't snuck back up yet. I would say it's a good option for us smaller ladies in our hippie clothes ;)