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Leaving Sunday a few last questions

First I want to say thank you to everyone for all of your help over the last few months as I was in the final planning stages of my trip.

Before I go, I have a few last questions.

Do I need to (or should I) reconfirm all my hotel/hostel reservations?

What is the real risk of my camera being stolen? I am not bringing my really nice one, just a small point and shoot. I am wondering about this because pictures are the most important part of the trip for me (other then the actual memories of course) and I would hate to lose them because some jerk steals my camera. However, since my husband and I are traveling together we do want some shots of the two of us together, so I will be handing my camera to others.

What is the current value of the euro and pound? Do we think they are going to continue to go down?

What am I forgetting??

I have my packing list and am packing up today. I cut up my Rick Steeve's guidebooks last night, actually my husband did, it pained me. But now I have just the sections I need for where we will be.


Posted by
571 posts

Do you intend to mail any postcards to friends and family? Be sure you have their addresses on hand.

(Personally I like to buy a sheet of blank address labels and print my addresses on them. I peel them off and put them directly on postcards as I travel. When I am out of labels, I know I've sent a card to everyone I planned for.)

Posted by
23557 posts

The risk is low especially a P & S. Just keep it out of sight and secure when not using it. The Euro is up a bit, nearly 1.26. My guess it will bounce around in the range of 1.24 to 1.27. Also, the pound is up to nearly 1.45.

Happy travel.

Posted by
1317 posts

1) Hotel reconfirming is always a good idea. We had a minor issue in Orvieto when the B&B hostess got mixed up and only had a double bed (rather than 2 twins) available. I was traveling with my dad, so obviously an issue! Fortunately we figured out the problem a month before the trip and she was able to direct us over to a friend with a lovely apartment for the same rate.

2) Pretty low. Just keep a hand/eye on it. I kept mine in my jacket pocket with my hand looped through the strap. Of course, being in Italy it was out of my pocket as much as in! If you are very concerned about losing pictures, take several memory cards and swap them out daily. That way you never lose more than one day at a time (just make sure you don't lose the cards!)

3) Yes they will probably continue to go down in the short-term. I believe the euro is currently at XXX (ETA: Frank beat me to it, with more accurate info). It's still cheapest to get the currency from ATMs in Europe.

4) Did you contact your bank to make sure they know you will be using your cards overseas? Passport is packed and easy to find (and not expired)? Double check the plane tickets so you know times & dates. Lock the door when you leave.

And the most important thing of all: have a FANTASTIC TIME!!!!

Posted by
160 posts

Personally, I always fire off an email to confirm my reservations just before I leave. Just be sure to check your emails at least every two or three days as some hotels will write you to confirm a few days before your arrival. As for your camera worries, in thirty-some years I haven't had one stolen yet. It's usually the idiots with the huge SLRs and the people who wear fanny packs that make the best targets. Just keep your skinny point and shoot in your pocket. If you're going to hand your camera off to a stranger, pick one that's with a tour group. They can only run as far as their bus. Always keep your backpack and bags in front of you in the metro.

About $1.24 & $1.44 for the euro & pound, respectively today. WSJ and Yahoo Finance say those values should remain constant over next few weeks.

Don't forget your passport & driver's license. Hope you made copies of all your documents and credit/debit cards and left them sealed with someone you trust, just in case. Stop the mail and newspaper and make sure you set your TIVO to record the last episode of "Lost" this weekend. Have a great time!!!

Posted by
12040 posts

Three separate answers for the euro and pound should tell you that nobody knows what will happen.

"What am I forgetting??" Remember to relax and enjoy your trip.

Posted by
1449 posts

One thing not mentioned is sleeping pills. Living on the West Coast, I find the 9 hr difference between here and Europe difficult at first. A prescription for a few days of Ambien (time-release version) helps me enjoy my trip a lot more. My 1st time to Europe I was miserable because I was dead tired during the day, then at 2am I was wide awake and couldn't sleep. Tolerance for time zone changes varies a lot between people, maybe it won't be a problem for you, but I suggest bringing some sleeping pills just in case.

Posted by
1568 posts

Carry printed copies of your reconfirmations with you.

Just watch each others back...expecially when your are using an ATM.

Combination locks on all openings for luggage, backpacks, etc.

Enjoy your trip!

Posted by
1525 posts

Yes, absolutely reconfirm your reservations. Some small B&B's actually insist that you contact them shortly before to reconfirm. Double check what yours require and that you are able to accomodate that requirement.

There is little risk of losing a point & shoot camera. When handing it to someone else to take your photo, pick someone who is middle-aged and "frumpy" looking. They won't run fast :-) Seriously, though, you can tell by looking at someone if they are VERY unlikely to run off.

Don't obsess about the tiny fluctuations in the exchange rate from day to day. Just use rough guesses. When you see a price tag, just miltiply by 1.5 for pounds and 1.25 for euros to get a dollar amount.

Have a great trip!!

Posted by
97 posts

Also, be sure to nap on the plane--which means you'll have good temperature control in the clothes you wear on the plane so you can sleep comfortably! I know the common wisdom is to wear your heaviest clothes for the plane, but make sure you'll be able to nap comfortably in those clothes--no tight pants, no thin or small tops that will leave you chilly unless you have a cozy jacket or sweater, but also don't only wear warmer layers, lest you get too warm (harder to fix on a pane than too cold!).

There is nothing quite so miserable, for me at least, as being tired and not being able to sleep for the temperature.

Posted by
5678 posts

Okay, I'm one of those people with the huge DSLRs and I would not leave home without it. And gee, it's not been stolen in over ten trips. hmm. If you're worried about the camera being stolen and the real concern is the images, then upload the images periodically. You could get a a little Gorilla Pod so that you can take some self pictures. Just pic spots with fewer people. But I think I wouldn't obsess on it. Pam

Posted by
300 posts

When confirming/reconfirming your lodging reservations, avoid ambiguous terms. I once made a B&B reservation in southern England a day ahead and mentioned that we'd be showing up "around dinner time." When we arrived between 5:30 and 6:00 we found the proprieters on their way out for the evening - they had understood me to say I'd be arriving around mid-day ("dinner") rather than in the evening ("supper").

Posted by
1155 posts

My girlfriend has a handheld tripod that attaches to the camera and then has a telescope handle so you can hold on to it while you take a self picture. We first used it on a girls trip to Maui and had the giggles everytime we used it because it looked so silly, however, we got some great pix! She got it online and I'm sorry I don't know the site but maybe you can try camera stores. At the very least practice taking self pictures (my 13 year old is really good at it!) so your whole head will be in the shot! Assign the one with the longest arms to be the self picture photographer. Enjoy your trip, I'm going in October and I can't wait!

Posted by
239 posts

Make copies of Passports and keep separate.

Use multiple memory cards...if one goes bad or is stolen, you won't loose whole trip :-))

Yes, bring confirmations and I always re-confirm (actually did mine today, as we leave in a few days)

Notify banks and credit cards even if they say you don't need to, we did have a problem one-time, so I always call!

Posted by
354 posts

Enjoy! have a great time, and post your experiences when you get back!

Posted by
196 posts

HAVE A GREAT TRIP!!!!!!! If you have time, print address labels on your computer because they're more easily read than handwritten ones; include USA. We leave 5/28 and I e-mailed all B&B's over the weekend to confirm because we will be gone 6 weeks and moving around some. I gave each an approximate time we would be arriving and said I would telephone if we were delayed. I also gave each B&B the contact info for the place we will be staying immediately before them. All but one have thanked me for this info.If you have a pashmina, take it on the plane because it's easy to adjust if you get too warm/cool. Be sure to let nearest neighbors know when you will depart/return and whether you have anyone taking care of your yard and/or pets. Give these caretakers the names and phone #s of the neighbors. If you have an elderly pet, discuss w/ your vet what measures you want followed and put it in writing. Leave a copy for your pet sitter as well as with the vet. I put maps, RS pages, etc in a ziplock for each city; have a separate one for tickets, passports, insurance claim forms.Drain & unplug iron.

Posted by
1948 posts

Cary, thanks for the tip about elder pets. My cat is 15 and I hadn't thought about that.

Posted by
196 posts


glad the elderly pet tip was useful; our house/pet sitters felt nore comfortable having a directive. We just updated it for each trip and dog(s). This is the first time we've been without pets since 1971, but I have to confess that it's easier to get ready without having their prep work to do also, and I have not missed the fur when vacuuming since October when we had to put our Maggie down. We will almost surely get another basset when we return in July because there's nothing like a tail-wagging welcome when you return, even after just a trip to the grocery store.

Posted by
12313 posts

It's never a bad idea to reconfirm hotel reservations. The best way is by phone but I know most people prefer email. You can also reconfirm while you are on the road a day or so before you arrive.

Euro is about 1.22 today and Pound, I think, is 1.44. Both good rates compared to the last few years. I don't think anything will drive them back up in the short run (except maybe bad financial news in the U.S. that pushes the dollar down).

There is some risk you will have your camera stolen or lost. Thieves won't target your camera like they would an expensive DSLR. If you set it down and don't pay attention, however, it may disappear. You might also walk away and forget where you left it.

My technique for keeping track of my camera is to replace the wrist strap with a thumb drive neck strap. They have the same connection as your wrist strap but allow you to free a hand by keeping it around your neck (for me usually then tucked into a shirt pocket). That greatly reduces getting in and out of a pocket/backpack to take a picture or setting it down and absentmindedly losing track of it.

Posted by
425 posts

While I was in Europe last month I made a list of the things I wish I had with me. I took gel bath soap and regretted it every day. Finally broke down and bought a bar of bath soap and vowed to bring one next time. Also, a washcloth. Every hotel had bath and hand towels, not one out of 5 had a washcloth. Last but not least, clothes pins. And not why you think. I use them as "chip clips" if I run out at home. Every time you guy a bag of chips or cookies you find yourself with half gone bag and no way to secure it. Clothes Pins! Enjoy your trip!
