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Leaving in a few hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi, sorry ,this of technically "off topic" ,, but I must spread my excitment just a wee bit more!!
I am leaving in 1 . 5 hours for my daughter and mines trip to Europe!!!
We will have to take a ferry to the mainland at 11 am to get to the international airport we are flying out of a 5 pm. We arrrive in PARIS tomorrow at 3 pm!!
After spending a week in Paris we will fly to Rome next Sunday night, and then start on the 14 day RS Family Tour, and end up in Paris where we will spend the last 5 days of our trip!!
We will also meet my father and his wife on the 12, they fly in at 9am , we leave Paris to stay with relatives near Chantilly for night of 12th, which is my Bday, and will enjoy a nice family birthday dinner out somewhere, this will be the first birthday I will celebrate with my father in the country in which we were both born!! Then the next day we will visit Chantilly Chateau( I have been before and love the painting collection) and they will then drop us at the airport for our flight to Rome!

So excited, suitcase weights a ton( 30 pounds actually) and I cannot "edit" it anymore. I will have to leave things as I go I suppose,,LOL
Daughter ( 12) is so looking forward to this, I cannot believe how lucky we both are!!

Hope my husband does not forget to water my houseplants ,, or my gardens, I have left notes. I could care less about mess in house, but when I come home I do not want to see my African violet dead, it is 16 years old and beautiful!

Bye guys, I have gleaned so much helpful information here,, and look forward to being able to bring some back with me too!!

Posted by
2030 posts

I love Pat's post. She describes exactly how I felt about my first trip to Europe. I was so excited I wanted to jump out of my skin. But even after 7 trips to Europe, I still get almost as excited about each new one.

Posted by
40 posts

Hi Pat

we are going in September so post or PM me with the results of your trip. I am taking my 8 year old son and he isn't quite as excited yet. I am though and stll 2 months to go. Can't wait to hear how your trip went. As one victorian to another enjoy the trip see everything and bring home lots of good memories for you and your daughter


Posted by
8293 posts

Have a good time and be sure not to wear shorts in church !

Posted by
1317 posts

Pat, have an absolutely fantastic time!! You are a great mom for taking your daughter at a time in her life where I suspect that international travel will really help shape her worldview.

Those of us who have some time before our trips (5 months and counting!!) are jealous! ;-)

Posted by
158 posts

Enjoy your trip and post an update on your return!

Posted by
32320 posts

Pat, I know you've already departed, but hopefully you'll check the Helpline during your trip.

Hope you both have a wonderful trip in Europe. If you haven't been on a RS tour before, you're in for a real treat!

Buon Viaggio!

Posted by
408 posts


I am so happy for you and your daughter. The trip sounds wonderful! I hope you have the best Birthday ever, it sounds very special. We all will be waiting to hear about your big adventure when you return. Have a great time.