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Latvian music festivals - are they any good?

I recently have found out that music festivals in Latvia are a lot cheaper than in my country and not so far away + good bands apparently. I've read about them here (fortunately I know some Latvian), but I don't particularly trust local sites, as they tend to emphasize good sides and not mention bad one (well, they got to attract tourists, nothing to do about that). That's why I would appreciate any tips and comments on this topic. Should I spend my time and money on them or look somewhere else?

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What is your country which is not so far away? What kind of music will be played on the festival? Unfortunately only very few people speak Latvian outside Latvia so the leaflet did not help me. I would go there if I were nearby for music festival only if it was Latvian folk music and songs festival. Other kinds of music like rock and roll, jazz, country, etc. are just copies not reaching quality of original. Maybe I could consider classical music.