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Latvia Springtime

Thinking ahead to next year, Latvia seems really interesting. Looking at April, I see the weather seems really unpredictable. Temps really swing up and down, but no rain.

Have you been during this time? How did weather affect your enjoyment?

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16792 posts

I was in Latvia this past May. The weather was amazing. Sunny every day and temps on the border of needing a jacket and not needing a jacket.

But weather varies and it's hard to predict.

I rarly let weather affect what I'm going to do. I will plan as much indoor activity on rainy days and take advantage or outdoor ones on dry days.

And I always have an umbrella just in case there are more rainy days than clear days.

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1561 posts

We were in Riga in mid April. It snowed the first morning and it was freezing but we were able to go out about noon and though freezing cold it wasn’t unbearable. After that it was cool with no more snow. We spent four days there and if was still enjoyable. But we were a bit disappointed when people told us how warm it had been the previous week.

As mentioned, the weather varies. We have just accepted the fact that you get what you get and go with it.

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2710 posts

I spent 4 days in Riga, leaving on 5/3--it was fairly chilly but only rained one morning, and in the daytime a couple of days it was in the 60s. I was prepared with my layers, scarf and knitted gloves and went out and about exploring as much as I usually do. Latvia is known for their knitting tradition so that was the perfect excuse to buy a few pairs of exquisitely colorful knitted gloves and mittens!