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Last trip

Where would you go if you knew that this would be your last trip?

Posted by
4210 posts

To a hospital, so it wouldn't be my last trip 😉

Posted by
8108 posts

Two answers-

In the US, someplace fun like Disneyland and bring our kids and all of our grandkids. And, finish the vacation with a beach house large enough to hold all of us.

In Europe, it would have to be Italy. It’s always been extra special to be there, and each time I return from a vacation there, I’m already picturing going back to see more. I’ve stayed overnight in 22 towns, and each one has been memorable. And, I would have to return to Parma to walk into my favorite cathedral of all one more time!

Posted by
23727 posts

Without a question it would be Italy. Years ago had a consultant who work with us during the academic year and then went to Ireland each summer. Had a very small cottage on the coast. His routine was take an early morning walk along the cliff where there was a big rock the formed a natural chair. He would often sit there overlooking the ocean and hearing the surf crash on the rocks below. But was always back for breakfast and then worked on projects. For years his wife accompanied him. Then she passed. The last few years his girl friend came along. One day he didn't return for breakfast. She found him later that morning sitting on his rock. Can you think of a better way to go?? That is my plan.

Posted by
7195 posts

If I knew it was my last trip, I would go somewhere I'd always wanted to go but never went. I'd also make sure there was enough time to also go back to one of my favorite places. Depending on time of year that would either be Zermatt or Budapest.

Posted by
12234 posts


And then keep going east until I got home

Posted by
15235 posts

If I knew that, in Europe I would go to France, above all, Paris, London, Germany, Poland, Austria. In the US I haven't decided yet.

Posted by
9331 posts

Last trip? Iceland to ride the horses and see the Northern Lights and Egypt to see the pyramids, Luxor, etc.

Posted by
3028 posts

Our last trip was spent in the Austrian alps, Dec. 2013 for the Christmas Markets. Little did we know it would be our last, but it was. We stayed in Schonau am Konigssee, Ramsau am Dachstien, Hall in Tirol.


Posted by
1745 posts

The classic dilemma of travel is whether to go someplace you know and enjoy or visit someplace new. If I look back at all the places I've been I know there's no way I can revisit even the ones I'd truly like to. But I also know there are places I'd very much like to visit for the first time. Frankly I hope to die before I see all the places that draw me; it would be terribly hard to be without the curiosity, anticipation, and sense of wonder at visiting a new "favorite" place.

Posted by
2710 posts

Budapest, preparing for my 5th visit in as many years this May and it seems I will never tire of this wondrously beautiful city.

Posted by
1634 posts

Do you mind expanding a bit about your choice to revisit Budapest again and again?
Do you also add a new place on to every trip, or every 3 trips?
Was there a transition that you went through between always choosing a new place vs. a beloved "old" place?

I ask because of the places I have been (Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Italy-Rome and north) the only place calling me back is Stockholm. And even with that call, I am not tempted to go back yet because the calls of new places are winning out. This surprises myself because in general I like comfortable over new. I am sort of wondering if I just haven't seen my special place yet, or if I will always feel this way.

To answer Karen't question, I would go to Turkey because that is next on my list. I think my list will never have all of the items crossed off, so one day, one of the items will end up being my last without any ceremony.

Posted by
484 posts

Istanbul, Turkey would be my choice.
I am planning my 3rd trip there and I can't wait.
I love seeing the many magnificent mosques and other old buildings, and hearing the call to prayer 5 times a day in that beautiful and ancient city is truly heavenly.

Posted by
3398 posts

If money and time were no object, I would blow my wad and hop my way around the world hitting all my favorites and the places I've always thought of going but never did.
If I could choose only one place it would be the English Lake District, my favorite place in all the world. I would stay on a farm and have a working vacation.

Posted by
2188 posts

Need to ask for clarification: Under what circumstances would this be one's last trip?

Right before death (but obviously still physically able to travel)..maybe more like just diagnosed with a Stage 4 something?

Or: Aging and not likely to be able to travel again?

Other circumstances?

If it were to be a case that I was likely to die in the next year, then..........

..............absolutely one of those fabulous National Geographic Private Jet trips........they are soooo expensive, but look sees several wonderful once-in-a-lifetime sights (like Easter Island or the Great Pyramids or Tibet),
everything is handled, and no worry about commercial plane ready to go: off the plane goes. efficiently and comfortably quickly seeing spectacular sights around the world in maybe three weeks :)

If just aging and likely never to travel again: Egypt (but only if I felt it were safe to travel there at that time). Second choice: Switzerland.

And, without getting too morbid, maybe Switzerland (if personal medical prognosis was not good), because a friend told me that is one of the places one can go for a planned assisted death (to avoid a long, suffering demise).

Sorry all.......but that should get some reaction........................

All depends on the implications of LAST.

Posted by
23727 posts

Come on, Maggie, don't make it too complicated. This isn't a final quiz. A little light hearted fun.

Posted by
996 posts

I plan like I'll return and spend my time when I'm there like it's my last visit.

Having said that, I'd be torn between returning to Italy - always my favorite - and someplace in the US on the coast that's warm and sunny and relaxed.

Posted by
138 posts

I would go to some distant place like Iceland or New Zealand which has a beautiful nature. So you feel the connection between your body and the eternal love from our mother Earth. Iceland is just like another planet.

Posted by
11525 posts

Maggie -we have planned legal assisted death allowed here ( British Columbia , Canada) - my friends mother made that choice last July . They come to your home if you wish . Family / friends can be there .

Posted by
15235 posts

As mentioned above under those circumstances, in Germany, specifically, ...back to Berlin too, obviously,... as always, for the last time.

Posted by
15156 posts

I’m with JC. Yellowstone would be my choice as well. I go at least once a year and it’s my favorite destination on the planet.

Posted by
12315 posts

If I knew it was my last trip, I'd sail around the world in my own boat. I'll probably never do that because I don't want the next trip to be my last.

Posted by
4657 posts

My immediate reaction was some over the water resort in BoraBora or Polynesia; but then Antarctica, and that NatGeo Private Jet trip sounds wonderfulllll. It would most likely be somewhere not previously visited. I have India and some of Asia on my bucket list, but if I hated all the pollution and congestion, I wouldn't want it to be my last memory. Or, it might be the return to the Serengeti in Tanzania. That is where my heart is, so maybe that would be a good last chapter. Cremation and a scattering of ashes in the same location. 2 thumbs up.

Posted by
3120 posts

I would go to the Balkans, again. Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Greece. Hungary and Austria as well. Germany as a side part of the trip, as well as a section in France. Poland as part of the trip. So, my last trip will last possibly 2 years.

Posted by
4074 posts

Mürren with my husband to play tennis on arguably one of the most spectacular clay courts in the world


Can't live without seeing Johns Hopkins for the last time? ;-) It's too late for Haussner's unfortunately.....

Posted by
2710 posts

Vandrabrud--My first trip to Budapest in 2014 started off as "I'm going to Vienna, perhaps I'll do a day trip to Budapest to see the country of my mom's family." Then I figured why not just spend 5 days there and it turns out I was quite taken with it. 2015 I skipped it entirely, but by 2016 I was armed with knowledge and a desire to visit the Hungarian town my grandmother was born in, Tata. I began learning the language. That trip started with Paris. I discovered the nesting storks on Margit sziget--I had a cold when there, and spent about 3 hours on a lovely May afternoon sitting quietly and observing them. Now they are the reason I return every May. 2017 I started in Amsterdam and ended in Budapest. 2018 I started in Budapest and ended in Munich. This year I start in Tallinn, a return to the town where my dad's family came from, then Latvia and Lithuania before ending, blissfully, in Budapest. I usually make day trips to other towns, but I am quite comfortable there now--and if the opportunity presents itself I will be looking to buy an apartment there someday...James once sent me a link to Budapest real estate and it's certainly worked on me.

I actually thought my 2017 trip might be my last--I had booked in October of 2016 and in December was diagnosed with an abdominal growth and sent to an oncologist before getting it removed in Feb--I was actually more concerned I wouldn't get to see my storks than if it was cancer or not...thankfully it was not! That's probably when I knew that Budapest absolutely had to be visited every year, even if for just a few days.

Posted by
1230 posts

What Maggie said! or..... rent a very large, very comfy home on the beach and "travel" to Navarre Beach on the Florida panhandle, because that is my kids' Happy Place, and gather my three kids, their spouses, my grandkids, for a week of playing, splashing, eating and laughing. Because no matter where I travel (and I do LOVE to travel), There's No Place Like Home!

Posted by
8108 posts

I hope I never know that it is going to be my last trip!

Posted by
3943 posts

It would have to be back to Italy - specifically, Venice.

Posted by
34581 posts

Well a week has gone by with people thinking about answers and taking the time to write them and not a word of reply from our poster with this very vague question. Ho hum.

Posted by
4730 posts

Florence and then evensong at a cathedral in England