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lap top

I've never travelled with my lap top overseas or here in the US? Is there anything special i need to know? Any help would be great. I'm going to greece.

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10344 posts

Our FAQ has links to some tips on that


Posted by
1568 posts

Shanan, make sure your battery is charged as they may ask you to boot up at the airport screening.

Also check your charger for the laptop and make sure it has 100-240v.

I don't have an adapter that plugs onto your charger then plugs into the wall in Greece - make sure you have a couple.

Enjoy. I will always travel with a laptop.

Posted by
5678 posts

I just took a trip overseas with my lap top for the first time. I was really happy that I did it. I only connected to the Internet once--free WiFi on the train from London to Inverness! I did upload my pictures every night. I then took my lap top to our pre-dinner cocktail gathering and our walking group enjoyed looking at the pictures of the day. It was a nice way to revisit the day's walk and laugh at our adventures. I also used my time on the return plane trip to get some of the picture editing done. I watched some movies and edited away for several hours chewing up the travel time. I still have more editing, but I am sooo much further ahead than normal and look forward to posting my favorites sometime soon. Pam

Posted by
92 posts

Be sure to back it up before you leave, then pack some blank CDs or DVDs to copy your photos to before you come home. I do this every time, although luckily I haven't lost any data.

I love to load my pics each night, add comments, maybe make a comic of the day's events, or work on an album. It's so much easier, and more fun, when the events are fresh in your mind.

Don't forget the memory card reader, or the cord that connects your camera to your lap top.

Posted by
668 posts

I now travel with a netbook too, but ever since I travelled with a laptop I have backed up my photos,(and anything elso of value) on a flashdrive. I carry two or three. They are smaller and have a larger capacity than a DVD or CD-ROM.

Posted by
92 posts

Very true about the flash drives nowadays. I started packing the DVDs a few years ago when a 1GB flash drive was a big deal and expensive. Since I took thousands of photos on my longer trips, it wasn't an option back then. But next time, definitely!

Posted by
18 posts

Thank you all for the responds. I never thought about uploading my pic on the flight home-that always seems the longest! I think i will take it and see how it goes. Thanks again its all great advice!!!