There have been a couple of times in a European restaurant that a waiter has dubiously insisted that the water is completely unfit for human consumption. Gee, a shame. I guess that the kitchen must be using bottled water for food preparation?!? And no one in town must be brushing their teeth at all … or at least not rinsing. We almost always ask at a restaurant for tap water, and relent if they say it’s not possible, but usually are able to get glasses or a pitcher of good ol’ municipal tap water.
The nasoni (noses) in Rome are brilliant. A continuously running hydrant on the corner, with a faucet and a little hole along the top of the spout, where if you place a finger to plug the main faucet outlet, water spurts out of the little hole, and you can get a drink from the flowing water, having turned the faucet into a drinking fountain. It can take a careful, skilled touch, though, or you’re spraying the street and passersby (or yourself) with water if you don’t do it quite right.
Then there’s the whole designer water thing. Legitimate though bottled spring water may be (check the label for the contents of essential minerals), Perrier became a status beverage in the USA in the 1980’s, followed by Evian, Voss, etc. If you want natural effervescence, or added carbonation (order con gas, or frizzante, or whatever it is in the local language), fine, but for water to carry around, or to help wash down your restaurant meal, a carafe or jug or refillable bottle of tap water is appreciated when a place is able and willing to provide it.
News footage from the past couple of weeks showed people drinking water out of the fountain at the bottom of the Spanish Steps in Rome. These same people waded into the fountain to get to the flowing water. Bad idea on both counts. Wonder whether anybody got ill, or arrested?
Filling a reusable container is far preferable than a 1-time plastic bottle.
There’s a thoughtful water bottle filling station in London’s Heathrow Terminal 5, immediately after Security. You have to empty your bottle for the Security screening, but can fill it right back up once you’re through being scrutinized.