my nephew is in the army, in kosovo. is this a safe place?
If it were 15 years ago, absolutely not! Travel there now is fine though. Although evidence of the war is still visible, the country is changing and beginning to move forward although a lot of the rural areas are improverished. If I had the opportunity, I would go in a heartbeat! (My husband got to go several summers ago and he thought it was fantastic!) I love going to countries that are coming out of difficult times - the people appreciate the normalcy that visitors imply and understand that you will contribute to the growth of their economy. Rick has a section related to the Balkans here that you should read - it'll give you a better understanding and help you decide whether or not you are comfortable going. Neighboring Croatia and Montenegro are not to be missed if you have the time to expand your trip a little!
The biggest danger for NATO troops in Kosovo are traffic accidents. As I understand it, they're not even wearing body armor over there anymore. I don't think anyone from NATO has come under any kind of real attack since the initial entry back in 1999.
Would I go to Kosovo? I was there when I wore a green suit, and although I enjoyed it at the time, I see no reason to return. Perhaps if they've figured out a solution to their trash and sanitation problems, maybe. There's just so many more nicer places to visit.
i would. Safe? whats safe?
I think its on my trip for next year unless i head south.
happy trails.
Like Tom, I spent more than enough time there back in 1999 as part of the initial peacekeeping force. The people were friendly enough (the Albanian ones anyway) but I didn't see much of anything that would make me ever want to return.
Are you asking because you want to visit him or are you worried about his safety?
I'd say generally safe and I wouldn't hesitate to go there, but don't go wandering off road or trail unless you're absolutely certain an area is land mine free.
55, it seems like your nephew would be in best position to know. If you're asking if its worth seeing, not as a destination in itself, but there are a few interesting things to see. Safe is a relative term. Crime is bigger threat than civil unrest.
Although this is intended more for travellers to Kosovo, you may find it interesting to read this from the U.S. State Department.....
As your nephew is there with the military, he'll be apprised of the local conditions, what to watch out for and will have lots of support if he has problems.
For me, the answers to the two questions are different:
Would I go? Probably not.
Is it safe? Probably.