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kindle help from susan

So far, so good! I wish the Kindle User's Guide was more user friendly! #3: To actually move around in the book, I have to use the TOC, right? I found the index, but clicking on items don't take me anywhere. Maybe I'm using the wrong "clicker", as in choosing the book title?

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4412 posts

Hey, we moved! ;-) There's actually more room for typing here... When I click on "Index", it takes me there; once I've scrolled down to "Index" I use the center of the 5-way selector. The next page I see is the "A's" (aka the beginning!) of the Index... If it still doesn't work for you, try going to the next 'topic' in the Table of Contents; in my book, that's the "Map Index". If you click on that, you should then be able to turn the page BACK (as if you were reading) and get the end of the alphabet. Remember - the only RS book I have is the "Italy 2011"; your books may actually have a problem with them (those particular editions). Let me know how this works...(fingers crossed)

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11 posts

This question is actually for Eileen in Texas, but anyone else can answer! Thanks!!

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11 posts

OK, maybe my question wasn't clear. I CAN get to the index and scroll (or turn pages) to get through it. Once I have found an item, my only choices when I click on it are to tweet/share, or highlight it. I was hoping either for a direct link to the "page" with the info, or at least a location number to use in search. So far, it seems the index is nor more than a listing of all topics in the book. Also ( :) I frequently find a symbol of a small white star imbedded in a black circle, ex. * See the Vatican Mueum Tour chapter......but this doesn't seem to be a link. Is it just like an asterisk and nothing more?
Am I driving you nuts yet?

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4412 posts

Hey - the Index IS a bust, apparently :-( I guess it's good for letting you know that a particular topic/subject is indeed in the book - somewhere LOL! If you just start typing the word then click on "Find", you'll get every page that word is mentioned on - a bit too much info, but it's a work-around...if one offering isn't what you wanted, just click on the "Back" button and you'll be back at all of the listings... Those 'stars' are as you thought - unfortunately, you can't just go to the page number listed. I HATE these Kindle 'locations' with a passion aarrrrgggghhhh!!! But, you CAN just type the subject of the asterix ("Vatican Museum Tour") and you can get there that way. (Only the 'city' guidebooks have those <tours, etc.>, in my experience, so I had to peek inside of my paper copy of "Rome 2001"...). I'm surprised that you're not allowed to 'jump' to the page noted...Oh, well...(of course, you can get to the entire section of 'Tours' - "Walks", "Museums", "Churches" from the Table of Contents, too) Those are two 'goofs', in my opinion... Hit me with some more questions - I'm finding things that I'm NOT ALLOWED to do that I didn't know I'm not allowed to do...wait, this should be frustrating LOL! Ask me something that I AM allowed to do LOL!

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11 posts

Well, I didn't mean to frustrate you! Actually, I got the Kindle mainly to be able to take many books on my cruise. Then I thought I'd be clever and get the RS guide books, but now I see that every invention has its limitations. Thank you SO much for your help.
BTW, I have a son, a sister, a niece, and a cousin who all live in different parts of CA. Lots of nice people out there. Southerners used to be known as the friendly folks, but now it seems to be spreading!

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59 posts

The key to using the Kindle for guidebooks is making your own notes and highlights to supplement the table of contents. You'll also want to get comfortable with search. The big win with the Kindle for guidebooks is that you can do all your highlights and notes as part of your trip pre-planning on your computer. The information will be synced up to your Amazon account and then any other Kindle device or reader application you're using on other devices will get those notes. I made notes and highlights for all the cities I would be visiting as well as special restaurants or sites that would take too long to search for or scroll to within a larger city section of the guides. Download the readers from here: