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Kindle Carrying Case

Just got a Kindle & have downloaded a couple of RS's books for travel next spring. What kind of carrying case is recommended so I can use it for RS's walking tours, but have it hard to pick pocket/stolen? Thanks in advance for your help

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23 posts

I have the case with the little light. I figure that I will just hold on to it for dear life and leave it in the hotel during the day unless I simply must have it and then I will put it in my backpack where it probably won't get stolen as any self-respecting pickpocket will probably be going for my not very well hidden neck pouch anyway.

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113 posts

We have the M-Edge covers for our Kindles that zip on three sides to keep them completely closed in. Wonderful for travel.

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4412 posts

Have you looked at the 7,394 cases for sale on Amazon LOL? I went for a completely closed, padded, zippered case so that it couldn't fall out. I also use it 'naked' when I read; occasionally, I'm naked, but that's not what you asked about ;-) Many of the other cases that were meant to stay on the Kindle while you read didn't look secure enough for me - just little straps around the corners. You might look for a case with a wrist strap; if it slips out of your hand, it's not going to hit the cobblestones :-( Good question; I'm taking mine with me, too, and my guidebook is on it. I was planning to use the info while out 'in the field' (literally out in the field - Pompeii, Paestum, etc.) and hadn't thought about protection. more thing to consider...

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119 posts

i like the neoprene cases because they are light, much lighter than the cases with the light. Mine also zips. I carry it in my purse with my shoulder strap, it's lighter than the RS guidebook!

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7 posts

I have one of the cases that has the little straps around the corners (I think it is an Edge). The cover folds back so it is very easy to use. We just got back from a 4 week tour in Europe and used it a lot. No problems with the cover or with anyone trying to snitch it. I just carried it in my purse when I wasn't using it. We did decide we would prefer the hard copy (or at least pages) of the guidebook. If you are great with bookmarks and notations then you should have no problem using the ereader. I'm not, and really would have preferrred flipping throught the pages. I did really like having the book on the computer for planning purposes though.

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53 posts

A case is not going to make a Kindle any more or less difficult to steal. If a thief wants it, they will steal it, case and all.

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529 posts

If you are crafty, you can make your own. I made mine with directions I found on the internet. If not, you should be able to find on one Amazon.

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355 posts

I actually use 2 cases when I travel, both inexpensive. If you are going to be referring to it and using it while walking around, you should have something waterproof, as rain or mist will kill your kindle. I use a plastic case made by Seattle Dry Doc (9x6) that seals closed and is waterproof. I purchased it at REI. It's fairly thick plastic but you can still operate the touch controls. I also use a Tom Bihn padded pouch (10x7) that zips closed and has a snaphook so you can attach it inside your bag and cannot be lifted out very easily. I purchased that online. It works well for me and the both cost about $15 or so.

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510 posts

I apologize since this isn't a response to your question it's just a suggestion. I took my Kindle to Italy with me earlier this month. In addition to Rick Steves Italy, I downloaded Barron's English to Italian and Italian to English dictionaries. I am really glad I did because I ended up using the dictionaries quite a bit.

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63 posts

Thanks for all of the suggestions. FYI: I just located an old (4 yrs) RS money belt the Kindle will fit into it barely. But is that really an appropriate space, especially w/all of the other valuable one usually carries in it?

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964 posts

I found a good neoprene case in a £shop (it's like a 99cent store). The case is designed for a touch pad so it's a bit roomy, but that's OK. But what I wanted to say is, Thanks for the suggestions about downloading Rick Steves books- I hadn't thought of that.
Off to get one now!

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28 posts

I have both a zip case and the case that opens like a book and has a light. I prefer the second because I can read anywhere and because it is dangerous to use the Kindle without protection. I tripped over my back pack strap and fell on mine. Good bye Kindle. If I had had it in the case, it might have survived.

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4412 posts

Debbie, I was hoping that subsequent posters would help clarify your question...but it hasn't helped me understand exactly what you're looking for. Are you looking for a sturdy 'my-Kindle-might hit-the-cobblestones-while-playing-tour-guide-to-my-family-in-the-Foro-Romano' Kindle case, or something that will cushion it while toting it around Europe in your daybag? And I don't understand the "have it hard to pick pocket/stolen" requirement - if you're walking around with it in the open in whatever kind of case, I'd think it's gonna look a whole lot like an iPad or another type of tablet, and that might equal High-Value Target. On the other hand, if you want to protect it from pickpockets while in your daybag, then you need to concentrate on your daybag. I also got a little lost when you started talking about carrying it in your moneybelt...???

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63 posts

To clarify my original question: I am looking for a carrying case that will protect my Kindle, but have the convenience that I can covertly carry it around w/me while I'm following a RS walking tour w/out it being stolen. My hubby solved the problem & we ordered the RS guidebooks we planned to use in paperback so that my Kindle will only be utilized for leisure reading on the trip.

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11644 posts

My hubby solved the problem & we ordered the RS guidebooks we planned to use in paperback so that my Kindle will only be utilized for leisure reading on the trip. That's a lot of weight to pack, all those books. It's why we used a Kindle for all of our R.S. guides and our recreational reading. In fact we each had a Kindle along. I do think it's a good idea to clip some of the key maps from the paperbacks for easy reference because they can be difficult to read on the Kindle, but otherwise I loved my Kindle and used the bookmark /highlighting features heavily. I did use a leather case to protect it, and I did drop it in a church, on a stone floor once, when I fell down a step while walkign and reading <LOL>, but neither of us were hurt. :-) I did not worry for a minute about someone stealing it. Just used it when I needed it and slipped it into a pocket of my crossbody purse when I didn't need it. I figure we saved about 10 pounds in our luggage by having the two Kindles.