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Who would like to attend a Rick Steves Saturday morning travel meeting in Kansas City? I gave such short notice before for the first meeting last month it was no suprise that I was the only one who attended. So I will start promoting the next two meetings. The July meeting will be the 21st and the August meeting will be Saturday August 18th.
So mark you calendars for 10 AM at Panera on the Country Club Plaza (47th and Pennsylvania) for the next two months. I will also send some private messages to helplines I see who live near KC to try and get a group started in the area. As a history note: I attended the Denver meeting in April and it was a much fun as they sound from the reports posted after their meetings. So I will keep working on getting a KC group going. I have my laptop repaired and will have photos of my recent Rick Steves South Italy and Paris and the Heart of France trips. So if you want to learn about how Rick's Tours work plan on attending as I have pictures. I went to Rome for the start of the South Italy tour in May and met a couple (I did not know) on the tour who it turned out live only 5 minutes from me. And another couple on the tour live in Johnson County. It is a small world. And they plan on attending the July meeting also. If you have any questions send me a private message. Robert

Posted by
10714 posts

Robert, Good luck getting your group together. We have been meeting in Sacramrnto for two years and we have a lot of fun.

Posted by
265 posts

Thanks Andrea In order to create a little more interest in the KC area group would you please relate what you do at your what topics do you talk about and etc. The same request for the Idaho and Denver meeting members. Please tell people why they might find it a good time and informative to form and attend such a group meeting. Thanks to all. Robert

Posted by
1840 posts

I can't speak for everyone, but I do whatever I want.

Posted by
348 posts

Good luck, Robert, getting it started. Don't be too discouraged if the turnout is low in the summer...(cuz everybody's...what else?.... traveling!) We always meet on the 3rd Saturday in Sacramento, which makes it easier to remember. However, it can be a bit problematic because Andrea doesn't let us in unless we bring her a bottle of limoncello! We've even managed to skype the Denver group during our meetings. Now you'll be on our radar! It seems that Rick and the rest of us should be buying Panera stock..... Have fun!

Posted by
14957 posts

Yes, Monte does pretty much whatever he wants at the Moscow and surrounding area meetings. He has prepared a couple of lectures (sadly, no power point), and has done some demonstrations (ahem) and we all take notes. We are waiting for him to spring a quiz on us at which time we will all race to the counter and order more coffee. Basically we have a wonderful time chatting about travel, looking to see what kind of gear and sparks people take. Yesterday I bought those new ultra lightweight packing cubes from Eagle Creek (at the local AAA) and I will take those for show and tell next week.

Posted by
19300 posts

"like what topics do you talk about and etc" We always talk about whoever isn't there. That's how we get them to come out, so they won't be the one we talk about.

Posted by
10714 posts

Kat, I thought we had an agreement that our limoncello policy was not to be discussed in public. That's limoncello for you! Oh, that's's just for me!! Seriously, we have been meeting in Sacramento for 2 years now. Our first meeting lasted about 5 hours because we had so much to talk about. We don't have an agenda, we just talk about where we are going, where we have been, where we want to go some day, etc. We have a start time, and end it when it feels right. We bring travel books and maps and help each other with itineraries. Eileen brings items for show & tell. It's up to her to disclose what those items might be! ;-) I look forward to our meetings each month. We have a core group that is usually there unless they are out of town. We have others that come and go. Usually they are wanting help with their upcoming trips. We had one couple who were traveling around the country in their RV. They happened to be in town at the right time to attend our meeting. I hope you have a good turn out, but if you don't, be patient. People are on vacations this time of year so attendance is usually lighter.

Posted by
34221 posts

Good luck in KC. I really enjoyed visiting the Sacramento meeting....

Posted by
4418 posts

Like Lee said, "We always talk about whoever isn't there. That's how we get them to come out, so they won't be the one we talk about." Heck, we even talk about the other groups ;-0 Also, (!) we get started by talking about whatever...'I saw this show on TV last night about castles in Blahblah, and ...', or 'I'm thinking of getting a roller bag; any sugestions?', or 'look at this cool day bag I just got! See all the junk I can fit in it?', etc. We don't have an official beginning time; the first two there start chatting. None of us have much problem with the talking part ;-) In fact, it's kind of a hindrance - there's usually too many conversations going on at once! I'd like to propose something like 'Business to Attend To' at the beginning of our meetings - such as: Does anyone have a question they'd like answered today? (how to buy train tickets in Italy, what kind of bag should I buy, how do I wear this moneybelt). Does anyone have an itinerary question? (how should I string my cities together that makes most sense for train travel, can I just show up in Blahblah and get a room) Or, instead of questions, maybe 'Hey, I've got a bunch of neat pictures of Colmar I'd like to show you'. Sort of a way to set a loose agenda for the day, so that someone's interests don't get run over by the rest of us breathlessly yakking about Europe LOL!!! We're basically a giant coffee klatsch ;-) Or, tea.

Posted by
10714 posts

"We don't have an official beginning time." We do, Eileen just forgets that and shows up whenever... :-)

Posted by
4418 posts

Oh, Andrea, you can just go and kiss my...Ummmm, limoncello klatsch! OK, People - that are LOTS and LOTS of you in this general area!!! Make an effort...Get out of your comfort zones...Meet your fellow Helpliners, and others too! Don't make me start a massive PM campaign; I know where you live...;-)

Posted by
348 posts

Hope you had a good turn out! We don't have much structure....and have no trouble doing lots of gabbing. However, if someone is going on a trip soon, they can post the country on this site & others will bring books that apply.
The local Meet Up Travel group is the opposite. They usually have a topic. This month it will be car rental in Europe.

Posted by
265 posts

SATURDAY AUGUST 18TH MEETING It looks like there will be more than just one person in attendance at this months meeting. I have already heard from several people who plan to attend. Anyone else in the area is welcome to attend. LOCATION is at Panera on the Country Club Plaza 47th and Pennsylvania. TIME: 10 AM August 18th. AS you come down the steps and I plan to have the tables to the right.
Look for the small EU flag, laptop computer and Rick Steves books on the corner of the table. Also if I did it correctly you should be able to view all of the previous messages from the other groups about how their meetings are fairly free form events. I already know of a couple who are looking for advice for an upcoming trip. So KC Area Helpliners see you Saturday the 18th. Robert Please reply or private message me if you plan on attending or have a question.

Posted by
348 posts

You might want to repost this August meeting so it pops up on the first page. You'll have to pop in to one of our Sacramento meetings. As you can see, we take life too seriously! Good luck!

Posted by
265 posts

TOMORROW IS THE DAY. I have had serval replys saying they are planning attend. 10 AM at Panera on the Country Club Plaza Kansas City. 47th and Pennsylvania. Lokk just to the right after you come down the stairs. Look for the small EU flag to find me. Plus the RS books and the laptop. There could be a drawing for a door prize. Robert

Posted by
10714 posts

Robert, I hope you have a good turnout and everyone enjoys themselves as much as we do in Sacramento.

Posted by
265 posts

Well the third time was the charm. This month I was not the only one attending. There was a total of 5. And one couple heard about it via an email from the RS Atlanta Group organizer who emailed her friend in KC and told them about it. Small world.
There were 3 others who I had made contact with and said they might attend. Required overtime work kept one couple from coming. We did not solve the travel problems of the world but we had a good get acquainted session. Next meeting. Saturday September 15th. 10 AM at Panera on the CC Plaza.

Posted by
3267 posts

You're off to a great start Robert! It takes a few meetings to get the group rolling. I'm happy that my friends from KC were able to attend today - I think that had a great time!

Posted by
4418 posts

"We did not solve the travel problems of the world..." There's always next time ;-)