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Just returned from Europe

Our long awaited trip is over. I must say it was the best 3 weeks ever.

Flew into Zurich, train to Paris. Apartment in 2nd district. Fantastic!

Flight from Paris to Rome on Easyjet, and another apartment in Rome on Via del Babuino. The apartment had it's quirks, but we enjoyed the location and view.

Highlight of the trip was our week in Tuscany renting a villa. WOW- what a great place. The owner kept us well supplied with his home made olive oil and red wine. Nothing short of amazing.

Off to Como for a few days at a B&B. Train up to Zurich via Luzern, and a stay at Holiday Inn Express at the airport. I add this detail because Zurich is extremely expensive, and this hotel cost us $143 for the night for 4 of us, with a huge breakfast. It was brand new and clean and very pleasant. Bargain by Zurich standards!

What we took away from our trip:

-LOVED going with apartments. They were just great, and we prepared a few meals ourselves which was fun and really made us feel at home (and saved some money).

-We had the entire trip planed to the last detail, even buying our sightseeing tickets prior to going (louvre, Eiffel tower, vatican, coliseum, etc). The only thing we had to pay for was food and any incidentals. This helped not only with expense planning, but generally made the vacation stress free with no lines to purchase tickets!

-I was shocked at how little things cost us, aside from Switzerland. Coffee and croissants for 4 people was only 7 euros! We had some absolutely fantastic meals on this trip for good prices. Authentic local eateries. House wines were great! Also bought the Slow Food book from Italy, which was a goldmine of suggestions all over Italy.

-Switzerland. It is so expensive it really took the pleasure out of it for us. I think will take a miss on it next time.

If anyone wants specifics on any of our rentals, just message me. Oh, and we are already planning our next trip :)

Posted by
180 posts

Welcome back Mary. Sounds like a spectacular trip!

Could you share some of your thoughts in regards to carry-on luggage and EasyJet? Did they weigh everything?

Posted by
41 posts

Easy jet was great. Yes, they did weigh our luggage, but we had prepaid for it at the time of booking, so no problem. We were mindful of the restrictions when we packed at home. If you pre-pay for it, I think it was 15 euros per person, which was 1/2 the price if you wait until check in.

Since we only paid 29 euros per person for the flight, it was still a bargain even with the extra 15 euros for luggage to get a family of 4 from Paris to Rome in less than 2 hours for less than 200 euros!

Posted by
41 posts

Sorry, I see your question was aimed at carry on luggage..

No, they did not weigh that. Only checked luggage.

Posted by
251 posts

Which B&B did you stay at on Lake Como? Would you recommend it? Decent prices? Clean? Breakfast included? Room with a view?

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41 posts

We stayed at Il Giardino Botanico

We had the family room, which consisted of a bedroom for my husband and I, another bedroom for for our kids, a sitting room, and a private bathroom, for 110 euros a night. Single rooms are about half that. It was about a 5 minute drive out of Como. Not on the lake, but a very pleasant garden setting. Spotlessly clean, and very nice breakfast. We would definitely return.

Posted by
162 posts

Thanks for your report. You shared lots of good ideas. I hope you don't give up on Switzerland completely. Just skip Zurich and Luzern if you are trying to save money and stay in smaller towns. We found other places in Switzerland not all that expensive. For instance your family could stay in the apartment at Chalet Fontana in Murren for about 120 CH a night. Restaurant food can be expensive -- but there are less expensive choices for that too. It is sooooo beautiful there. Would be a shame to miss it.

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2297 posts

Thanks for this wonderful report!

I agree with Janet, return to Switzerland and keep your cost down by staying in smaller towns. We payed 600 CHF to rent a large appartment for the 4 of us for an entire week in the Emmental region and took daytrips from there. Eating out for dinner was well under 100 SF for all of us, drinks included, if we stayed in the village. Quite a bit more for the one and only splurge meal we had in Luzern.

Our trip to Italy was actually more expensive than the one to Switzerland.

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2092 posts

Thanks for the great report, Mary. Could you give us more info on the villa in Tuscany, please? Thanks!

EDIT: Thanks, Mary! I've saved the info for my next dream!

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1158 posts

You sound like you had a great time dipite the costs.
yes Switzerland is very expensive, but very beautiful and clean country. I only been in Zurich for a day. A small dinner for 2 cost us EUR 50, no wine, just one beer. It was a nice restaurant by the river.

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41 posts

We rented the villa through Invitation to Tuscany out of London. Great company to work with.

The villa was in a very small, ancient Tuscan hill town of 500 people, west of Siena. Not a t-shirt or postcard in sight. The owner lived in the village, and would come over every morning before we awoke to care for all of the flowers, make sure the pool was clean, and leave us a bottle (or two) or his red wine and olive oil. He was a delight, and we looked forward to running into him in town.

I had dreamed of renting a villa for years and years, so there was much room for disappointment, but it only exceeded my expectations. It had TONS of character, but all the modern conveniences (completely updated bathrooms, dishwasher, etc.) The pool was just amazing, with unobstructed views of the valley below. It also had 15 acres that we could explore to our heart's content.

The best part of the experience was getting to know the warm people of this wonderful town. By the end of 7 days, we truly felt part of the community, and felt honored to have been welcomed into their lives for this short period. We originally planned on taking many side trips into the Tuscan countryside, but after a day or two, could not tear ourselves away from this magical place, perched on top of the hill looking out over the steeply rolling countryside with its patchwork of crops and oak forest. Serene and dreamy with the haze softening the edges and always the fragrance of jasmine and roses.

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1326 posts

Mary - Thanks for posting this report. What a dream trip! Your Tuscany experience sounds so wonderful. Actually the whole trip does.

Posted by
33 posts

Mary - I really enjoyed reading about your trip! I
wish more people would post about their trips.
Your description of your Tuscan Villa stay was lovely!

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11507 posts

linda I agree, but technically this website frowns on trip reports,, which is a shame.

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12313 posts

I also find myself avoiding Switzerland because it is so expensive.

I'm going to the Scandinavia and the Baltics this year, we'll see how that turns out.