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Just returned from Europe

My wife and I just returned from a two week trip to Paris, Zermatt, Munich and Prauge. We did all our travel in Europe by trains, stayed at hotels Rick recommends with the exception we splurged in Zermatt. Prague and the Hotel Jullian was a real treat. I would definitely stay there again. Our only negative was being in Zermatt on cloudy days that sheilded the Matterhorn. A big positive was running into Rick on Rue Cler and talking to him for a few minutes. Even with the currency issues, we made smart decisions regarding meals, hotels, etc and really enjoyed the trip and thank Rick Steves for all he does.

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74 posts

Hey Bob! It sounds like you had a great time and that was an added treat running into Rick. I've been using his guide books religiously in planning my first trip to Europe. Do you have any recommendations or words of advice for someone going to Munich for the first time? I'm planning to visit there next Summer. I've picked out some hotels to consider and most of the attractions I'd like to see but would welcome any insight you can impart. Thanks for sharing!

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1455 posts

That's so cool bumping into Rick!!

Did you pass him and thought... hey, he looks familiar??

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2349 posts

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that wasn't Rick Steves in the flesh, that was a new kind of performance art. RS imposters stroll along Rue Cler, hike the Cinque Terre, etc. They just do it for tips, and because people will buy them coffee or a croissant. Sometimes there are several imposters walking around at the same time, and they compete with each other to get the most "recognitions". If it becomes more profitable, you might see more Rick Steves in Paris than you see begging gypsies.

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2030 posts

On Rick's Blog Gone Europe site he has posted an entry from England today, and apparently has been there for a while. Not to say he couldn't make a day trip to Paris during this time. But should look into the imposter deal -- I can't believe this is happening, but what better person to meet on Rue Cler than him? I can see why imposters would spring up... too silly.

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27 posts

Quote: "I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but that wasn't Rick Steves in the flesh, that was a new kind of performance art. RS imposters stroll along Rue Cler, hike the Cinque Terre, etc. They just do it for tips, and because people will buy them coffee or a croissant. Sometimes there are several imposters walking around at the same time, and they compete with each other to get the most "recognitions". If it becomes more profitable, you might see more Rick Steves in Paris than you see begging gypsies."

I assume that was a joke, right? Surely, it would be easy to recognize the real Rick after seeing his videos. Also, would it be a good use of time for an American traveler to pretend to be Rick to get a free cup of coffee?

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582 posts

Larry is right. Rick has a speaking voice that sounds pretty different. I would pick up on his voice any day!
I could never be fooled, and I'm sure most of us here couldn't be fooled too! We watched him so much on TV, we feel we know him. I even spent quite a bit of time with him in person! Not only his voice is a bit unusual, but his look too. I've never seen anyone that looks just like Rick! He's one of a kind, and he's my hero!!

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425 posts

It didn't read like a joke to me. I really think she's trying to tell him that he didn't see Rick in the flesh. I don't know how she would know unless she was standing next to them, but who am I.

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2349 posts

I'm sorry, I was on vacation last week, and I seem to have left some people in suspense about whether or not people impersonate Rick Steves for profit.

So, now, a full disclaimer-my original post was a joke. It was offered with my hopes that it might bring a smile to a few readers. Apparently, I was not as successful as I would have liked. The fault is mine. RS imposters are improbable and unlikely, and any suggestion that they may truly exist will be fully explained on the next PBS series "Rick Steves Myth Busters."

By the way, I did NOT see RS in Cheboygan, Michigan this last week.

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10 posts

I thought I would reply and leave it at that. I mentioned seeing Rick. It was Sunday, June 3 in Paris. We have seen him in person before. He was very kind to talk to us a few mintues. We told him this was our 4th trip to Europe using his videos and books. He asked us how our hotel was, Grand Hotel Levenque, which was in one of his videos (it has the one person elevator). We chatted a few mintues, then he left thanking us and telling us to have a great afternoon. I will reply in private to anyone who has a question about where we traveled as I have been a benefit of many suggestions on this site. It's too bad there are some people who wish to spoil the great conversations that this media has the potential of giving us. Safe travels.

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7 posts

Hey, Karen! Regarding telling a joke....If you have to 'splain em.....don't tell 'em!

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60 posts

I thought it was a great joke... and the best jokes are the ones only a few in the crowd catch on to!

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223 posts

So that really was Rick I saw doing some laundry in the Trevi Fountain last week...

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193 posts

Hilarious Karen.

I have a feeling that some people need a lot of things "'splaind" to them.

Now lets get back to the serious conversations for the serious people:

"Will my library card work in Barcelona ATMs?"

"Is it socially acceptable to wear shorts at the top of Mt. Everest?"

Let's lighten up folks.