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Just for fun - traveling partners who are opposite

I saw this meme today that made me laugh and think of this forum.

"There are two kinds of people - those who pack 10 days in advance before the trip and think through everything, and the ones who wake up the day of the trip and decide to do all their last-minute laundry. And these people marry each other."

I may not pack 10 days ahead but I do test pack a few days before and think through everything in advance. My husband, Nick, is the last-minute washer/packer. I have a clear memory of a trip where it was around midnight before we needed to leave at 4:30 a.m. for our flight and me screaming at him, "PACK YOUR SUITCASE!" haha

I wondered how many of you also have traveling partners with opposite styles and ways of being. Any fun stories to share?

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15172 posts

I'm a solo traveler so it doesn't apply to me but I've also seen the travel meme recently that says something to the effect that there are 2 kinds of travelers....the one who plans the whole trip, makes reservations, researches things to do, etc and the other kind who says, on the day of departure,...Where are we going?

Posted by
215 posts

OMG, so true! I am Nick. My husband is Mr. Pre-Packer. It always works out, but sometimes it’s touch-and-go. :-)

Your story made me HOWL with appreciative laughter.

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2348 posts

Ha ha, Pam - that was my husband (who wanted to know where we were going). On the other hand, he was totally happy going anywhere and doing anything I had dreamed up. What a blessing!

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1122 posts

I would have so much anxiety to wait until 10 days out for an international trip. I pack, unpack, ponder, remove, Will myself to not overpack, which I do. I’m playing around 3-4 weeks pre departure. My husband about 3 days before.

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11891 posts

I am an advance packer and actually have it worked out on a spreadsheet well in advance of an overseas trip. This allows me to travel reasonably light and efficiently. My bags are ready to go at least 5 days before the flight.

My husband isn’t quite as bad as midnight-before, but he was a slow packer, started the day before, and tended to take more than he needed and some items that wrinkled if left to his own devices. Or the whole case would have to be unpacked for a one night stay because things weren’t organized with a thought to what might be needed when. So a couple of years ago I offered to be the packer for both of us. A week or two before the trip we review what he wants to take, refine the choices, and then I pack, allowing me to cross-pack so some of my clothes are in his bag for the flight and vice versa. I also pack items specifically for a one night stay if that is happening so we only have to pull out one packing cube and a toiletry bag instead of digging through everything.

I am less concerned about what he is taking and he is happy to give up the chore.

Posted by
2707 posts

Not so much the packing, but the itinerary. I spend so much time researching and planning that it's practically a second full time job (but I love it). My husband on the other hand only has the vaguest idea of what we're going to see. Usually at night in the hotel room he'll ask "what are we doing tomorrow?"

Posted by
4408 posts

I’m an early packer. Our next trip is March 20 and I’ve already started putting items in the spare room for packing.
I do my husband’s packing for him so he is packed early too.

Posted by
430 posts

I’m the researcher, planner, scheduler, etc. I’ve started packing for both of us recently but my husband does provide input on clothing to take. I usually can’t get him to focus until a few days pre-departure.
I’ve had a few good laughs over the years at his somewhat lack of awareness concerning our plans and the extent of my research. On one trip to Paris, he asked the young lady who was checking us in where the closest grocery store was. Before she could respond, I said “take a left as you leave here, left at the corner, turn right at second block, store is in the middle of the block on your right.” She confirmed that I was correct. I think he really just wanted to engage her in conversation. He’s a talker.

Posted by
205 posts

I cannot pack for Nick. He has to pack on his own. That is another way we are different travelers. I will pack 3 or 4 tops and 2 or 3 pants and just know I will wash them during the trip. He will cram so many shirts and pants in that suitcase, it's almost embarrassing. haha Although...on our last trip, his overpacking actually worked out for me. I saw him packing two sweatshirts and I remember telling him, "you don't need two." Fast forward a week where I lost my jacket on a bus. Guess who needed to use that second sweatshirt because it was cold and rainy. (I hate it when Nick is right, haha).

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2932 posts

Pam—that is my husband to a “T”! We are traveling now and he asks each day what we are doing.

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8119 posts

My husband & I were those opposites for packing, but he was always very easy-going with what was planned for the trip. We each had a pre-plan list before a domestic or international trip, and his “To Do’s” were more focused on getting all of the house & yard work finished or hand-offs, i.e. the mail held while we were gone.

During the trip, I had researched for months, but other than some timed tickets, we could be completely flexible. I enjoyed the things he would happen to see & like when we were there. We traveled very well together, enjoying the strengths from each of our differing personalities. I think it would be much more difficult to have two people traveling together who are the exact same personality.

We did need to stop in a store on some trips for his socks, etc. occasionally. No big deal.

Posted by
1177 posts

It is not always a fun thing to have such different approaches to packing and planning. While some here may say that their husband is so jolly and fine and compliant with the itinerary and they happily just tag along like a dog going for a walk. I think that for many there is conflict. A packer planner is probably fuming a lot of the time before a trip. Thinking that the other is not engaged, not helping, not caring. A mist of resentment hangs over the days/weeks before. Does this person even want to go? Why am I doing all the work? I get no help. I constantly have to remind him/her. Do I even want to go now?
And all this may be simple enough for an organized tour or a cruise where plans are minimal and the vacation is only a week with all planned. But, for longer times, more complex itineraries, maybe not so much.

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343 posts

I'm the one who puts out the "small items for the trip" collection box so all the doodads and travel things have a place to go in the week(s) leading up to the trip, so I'm tossing things into it like the passports, Euros, chargers, adapters, etc.. It is my wife who is the general in charge of the "pick out your clothes" drill and the "luggage is ready to go the day before" drill. It works well.

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2188 posts

TOTALLY relate to this topic!!! We have been married over 50, this topic (as well as many other topics) has obviously (for the most part) "sorted itself out" for us. But, there was definitely a learning curve :)

In our early travel years (then car trips), we would be getting ready to pull out, and my husband would say something like, "ooops, I forgot the (such and such)." Item retrieved, then repeat, repeat. This became more challenging when we HAD to make a plane departure. fast forward a few years later, and I appointed myself the "packer" or the "suitcase Nazi." Problem solved!

Weeks (sometimes even a month or more for more challenging destinations) before a trip, I will mention certain activities (like swimming or hikes) to discuss the "does your old swimsuit still work?" or "what shoes would you want to wear for xyz?" If we would need nicer clothing, what jacket/tie would you prefer (always a tie that can "hide" spills). That morphs into travel pants/shirts/hats (most of which, at this stage, are all in good shape, etc.)....some new items might be needed, and we then start the shopping process....but I start a pile of what would work (with the opportunity for him to have input). Ditto for toiletries (and I will usually shop for travel-size of whatever he uses, as well as making sure we have sunscreen, etc....that would be a separate little pile.

To avoid the "morning of" Hell, for BOTH OF US, I have the last-minute checklist, and I cross-off items on the list, as they go into the luggage or the carry-on bags.........toothbrush, Rxs, over-the-counters, extra glasses, etc. I have little reminders like: "change your money clip"...his favorite one has a tiny little knife thing, and he would not want that donated to the TSA pile. We do the "neck wallet packing" the night prior with passports and the such.

We also have similar lists for prepping the house/yard, etc. as well as mail/newspaper/emergency contacts, etc.

It just works.

That said, my husband is the tech guy: Gets all the phones, chargers, cameras, etc. ready. And, bless his heart, he proactively carries anything that is heavy and also puts everything into the overhead bin on planes. He is generally an easy traveler, but I do all I can to make sure he will be comfortable...which seats on the plane, extra pillows at hotels, non-smoking rooms, etc. I also deep-dive into hotels, activities, weather, etc. Have airport curb-side luggage check tip, taxi money pre-sorted. I handle all the bookings, etc. after running choices/preferences by him.

The under-the-seat tote bags, that becomes my department.......he's "not allowed" SAID GENTLY to dig thru those. If he needs something, he tells me, and I will magically retrieve it or I will say, it is "it is in the pink zipper bag (within the tote)" or the lime green one, etc...........and then I am the one who puts the item back where it belongs. We use large Orvis totes, and use little zip bags within those. Itinerary and papers we might need are in a folder in chronological order...then receipts are added along the way.

To some that may say it sounds's not.............IT WORKS. And, also, I do not mess with the camera, phone or computer equipment, cords, etc.

On the plane traveling home, he will download (on to a netbook type device) all the photos and begin sorting.

I also know he absolutely "has to have" a map of each location, and he will follow along on his map when we are traveling (even if on a bus tour). The man "just has to know where he is" at any point in time. Then when we we return, he marks up a small map of where we have been. I will remember the names of all the cities/sites, but he needs the written prompts for some of it.

Opposites do attract. It's a matter of figuring out how to work with and around strengths and weaknesses...........and it is always a work in progress.

Posted by
5877 posts

Over 50 years of marriage, we've both changed. It started out with me being almost obsessive compulsive with the planning and scheduling, and him being a passive companion who just threw stuff in his suitcase the night before. After a few trips where he had to make trips to the nearest menswear shop for items he'd neglected to pack, he agreed on the wisdom of a packing list. He still only packs the night before, but at least things aren't forgotten. I've long given up on his idea of coordinating his outfits. You need to pick your battles.

We share more in the planning phase now. One year I just wasn't into it (it was our trip to NZ) and told him that it was his turn to plan it out. It didnt take him long to realize that these multicity travel trips didn't just happen all by themselves. Now, while I generally do the bulk of the scheduling, he's much more involved with the planning.

Posted by
2932 posts

Jean--My husband tends to forget jackets;)

When I am planning a trip, I do run everything by my husband so he has been told once, but he forgets. I get it, he has a very demanding job and he is not mentally on vacation until we are actually on vacation. So our arrangement works great for us. I can ask him for his opinion, continue to plan, and there is no disagreement etc.

Posted by
6054 posts

I'm the planner in our house. My husband knows what country we are going to, but few other details. Still, he can't wait to get to the airport, hours early.
Once in country, he's also one that asks each morning, where are we going today? As I have absolutely no sense of direction, I tell him where we are headed, and then it's his job to get us there. I can't imagine traveling internationally and having no clue about the itinerary, but it works for us, and is a great partnership.