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Jet Lag - there's an app for that

I know the "what to do about jet lag" topic has come up quite frequently here over the years, so I thought I would share this link for those interested. This is a blog article from the SmarterTravel website I received this week about an app that helps you adjust your circadian clock prior to a trip. The App was developed by grad students at the University of Michigan.

Not sure If id did that right -- but it is at SmarterTravel and the blog is called "can you outsmart jet lag with an app"

Posted by
4637 posts

Interesting but impractical. Also 17 hours difference between San Francisco and Tokyo? Body does not care if it is Monday or Tuesday. For your (or anybody else's) body it is 24-17= 7. Practical advise: be rested before you fly. Try to sleep on the plane. Don't drink alcoholic or caffeinated beverages before and during flight. Go to bed with the locals (meaning at the same or similar time). Before sleep you can try melatonin. Some people believe in it.

Posted by
3299 posts

I wonder if that 17/7 hour mistake for Japan was made by the app itself or by the person writing the blog? If is is the app, I wouldn't trust it! But maybe it is just the person writing about it who thinks a 17-hour change is huge, without realizing it is really only 7 on the body clock.

Posted by
5298 posts

I agree with llja,

Interesting but impractical.

Who wants to sleep with a special blue light & then wear sunglasses while working in front of a computer
& worse yet feel jet-lagged for a week prior to the actual trip!!!

What are they going to think of next !?!

Posted by
9371 posts

I agree - completely impractical. Jet lag doesn't necessarily affect everyone the same way, anyway. I do what a previous poster noted - get some sleep on the plane if I can, keep moving once I get there (outside, if possible), stay up as late as I can the first day, and the next day I'm fine. Other people report feeling not up to par for a couple of days. Rather than assume it will affect me badly, I prefer to expect that it won't. But it's not worth all of the manipulations that this app suggests are necessary.

Posted by
32388 posts

I haven't tried it but suspect it will help with jet lag to some extent. However, I'm not sure I'd be able to adhere to the instructions provided by the App in terms of altering sleep and awake times, using light therapy or whatever. It's a good idea but probably not practical for most people.

I'd be interested to hear the experiences of anyone that has used it.

Posted by
893 posts

As others noted, perhaps scientifically sound, but not very practical. I usually am working at my job right up to the day of departure (usually a Thursday), so not sure messing with my system would work for my life.

I also think I am one of those that is not too affected. I get up fairly early the morning of, and then follow the advice mentioned previously with the added shot of NyQuil!

Posted by
4132 posts

I do not have a smart phone, but this approach sounds scientifically sound. Light is one of 3 ways you can reset your circadian clock.

So, who is going to do all this weird stuff to prep for a trip? Chacon a son gout, but I already do similar things and they make a big difference. It's a question of priorities; I just happen to value my time on the ground in Europe highly enough to do fussy stuff like this before I leave, if I can.

(I've never bothered with any of it coming home, what does that say about me?)