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Jacket in Germany in a week? Help!

I was planning to just carry a t-shirt to layer under blouses, and I'm planning to take a goretex lightweight rain jacket. But the rain jacket is bright yellow. I didn't plan to necessary wear it all the time. But, I don't want to pack another jacket too. We are only carrying on luggage on Lufthansa--18 lb max. Any advise on where I can get a lightweight reasonably fashionable jacket, or will I need one?

Posted by
10344 posts

See my post with weather website on other place where you posted similar question. In the next week or so it's predicted to be in the mid to high 50's in Munich, that sounds like definite jacket weather to me. And sounds like you're not going to be happy in your bright yellow jacket. I bet you'll be happier if you go ahead and spoil yourself and buy the lightweight reasonably fashionably jacket. I'm only a mere man, so I'll step aside and let the experts tell you where to buy one.

Posted by
9308 posts

It got really cold, windy, cloudy and rainy 3 days ago. Warmer is better than freezing. I would wear that warm jacket.

Posted by
116 posts

Jacket/coat-wise I would check all the usual suspects: JJill, Eddie Bauer, LLBean, Land's End, TravelSmith, Sahalie, REI, Sierra Trading Post, Camp-Mor, Patagonia, etc.

I live in a hilly area in the middle of Germany and I've started wearing my windproof and heavyweight fleeces as of the past two weeks. I had to go out early this morning and was annoyed that my down coat was still in storage. We switched to our winter weight down comforter last week and yesterday succumbed to turning on the heat (we usually try to stick it out). Fall is definitely here.

Posted by
100 posts

I would have to agree with the other posters, definitely bring a jacket. The highs lately have been in the upper 50's low 60's with lows in the low 40's. Where will you be in Germany next week? My area, which is near the border of France will be sunny with highs in the low 60's, lows in the 40's. I would guess the temp would be the same throughout ( I leave this weekend for Austria and the Berchtesgaden region and the temps are the same as my home).

As for a jacket, I have been wearing a fleece zip up jacket lately and its been more than adequate for keeping me comfortable, although I enjoy cooler weather and do not like to be too hot, so it really depends on how you react to different temps

Have a great trip!

Posted by
12315 posts

I'm not sure I'd go with fashion over function but I can see why bright yellow isn't your choice.

Something that is long enough to cover your bottom and has a hood works best to keep you dry. Even if you have great weather, you may need a rain shell any time. Umbrellas only work if it's raining but not windy, too often you will have both and an umbrella just doesn't do it.

You need a water and wind proof shell that is in a darker neutral color and can be worn with any of your packed clothes. Depending on what colors you like to wear, chocolate brown, dark or navy blue, black, grey, olive or forest green are good choices.

The good news is this is the time of year for it. Check any department store, tell the clerk you need a water proof (not water resistant), unlined jacket and see what they have to offer. Water resistant will keep you dry for a minute or two but won't work for actually being outdoors in the rain.

For warmth, you should also bring a dark neutral sweater in something other than cotton. I bring two lightweight sweaters or light fleece and layer both if it gets really cold.

Posted by
588 posts

In defense of the yellow jacket,it might just be okay. Are you going with a group? If so, you will be spotted when others are looking for you. Tour guides do this occasionally (red jacket, red umbrella). Take the jacket, spend your moneyin Germany! Have fun!

Posted by
242 posts

Hey "Mere Man",

Permission to use that whole phrase as a "pick-up" line, Sir?


Good advice on the jacket, and I echo it whole-heartedly. I treat myself to a well-constructed item of clothing for travel and build it onto my travel budget. You can't go wrong with LL Bean or Lands.' End.

Also, good on ya' for the layering, Theresa!

Bill from the "little" D!

Posted by
73 posts

Thanks so much for all the input. I rummaged through my closet and found my lightweight black quilted jacket. If I can swing it, I'm going to bring both the yellow rain jacket and the quilted black jacket.

I'm so darn excited about this trip! It's our first trip to Europe!

Posted by
588 posts

We want to hear all about your trip when you return! Safe and happy travels.

Posted by
242 posts

Take lotsa pictures and I'll bring the projector, and maybe Kent's got a screen! We'll make a night of it! It'll be ...... SWELL!

Shoot, for something like THAT, I'd even ride my ....Bike from.....Dallas to Dallas.....

Just havin' some good-natured fun, but y'all are going to ENJOY that first time to Europe Theresa, and you're gonna wanna go back, and back......

Seeing those terra-cotta shingles on the houses as the plane breaks through the clouds...... Ahhhhhh

I'm blissed out, y'all!



[puts on the lederhosen]


Posted by
571 posts

Oh man! Now I'll have to rethink what jacket to bring when I leave for Germany in two weeks. I was thinking I'd layer and wear a vest (fleece on inside, tan gabardine on the outside) most days, and wear blue rain jacket over this if it rains. Or, I could wear a fairly lightweight black quilted vest, again with blue rain jacket over if needed. OR, I could wear a black a-bit-heavier unlined jacket....but then I'd still have to bring the rain jacket, which could not be worn over this one. Dang -- I'm hoping somebody will tell me one of the vests will be warm enough -- especially if I'm wearing a light fleece layer and maybe a tank shirt underneath.... any thoughts??

Posted by
73 posts

Again, many genuine thanks to all those who took time from their day to share advise with this first-time European traveler. And, for the person who chose to offer his/her condescending comments, I thank you too as I'm reminded that it takes all kinds to make this ol' world go round. I hope to meet more of the aforementioned friendly and hospitable people when my journey takes me to Germany next week.

ps..I promise to report back with details from our adventure!

Posted by
525 posts

I took a "baby blue" waterproof lightweight jacket to Italy in 2007. I would advise AGAINST wearing a light color jacket as mine got rather dirty/scrungy/yucky climbing up narrow stairs in castles, ruins, cathedrals, etc. I had to find a place to wash it as it looked horrible. This year for our trip to England, I had a black waterproof jacket. For warmth, you can wear a fleece then wear the waterproof jacket over it. Take a turtle neck too!!! I don't usually travel without one. It can get rather cool anywhere in the evening. Layer, layer, layer. I think I'd opt for not wearing the bright yellow jacket. When I had my baby blue jacket, I felt like I stuck out as most colors were dark/subdued. I hope you have a WONDERFUL trip. If you are overweight with the luggage, tie your jacket around your waist and wear the fleece, then pack it in your carry-on. I can't remember if you are going to Italy?? People were dressed in darker colors.

Posted by
242 posts

Just wanted to have a bit of fun, seeing as we're both from "Dallas". Sorry if I offended.

Have a great time in Europe.

Posted by
73 posts

Bill, please no apologies necessary. You were among those kind enough to offer advise. It was, unfortunately, a post below yours that seemed to have nothing constructive to offer. I think I must have just been in a mood last evening, but it struck me as a waste of time and rather rude!

THANKS FOR YOUR LIGHT-HEARTED HUMOR and ADVISE! Us "Dallas" folks have to stick together! And, for what it's worth, I've used some of your advise from other posts during my journey planning as well!


Posted by
242 posts


Ach Du Lieber!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Bon Voyage, Theresa and Company!!!!!!


Posted by
588 posts

Miss B makes a good comment regarding light colors. They do tend to get grubby very quickly.

One item you may want to consider is a pair of silk long underwear. They feel like nothing but keep you warm especially under denim.

Layers are the best! Have fun!

Posted by
780 posts

You could always just go to Germany without one, and if you need one, just buy one!

Posted by
9308 posts

It was 4 degrees Celsius this morning in Frankfurt. I pulled my winter coat out and a scarf to go downtown! By afternoon it was warmer and the sun was shining all day which was quite pleasant. As soon as the sun goes down though, it got cold again. Who knows though, it could get all warm again next week.

Posted by
571 posts

If anybody thought I wasn't serious, I'm sorry, but I definitely am. Would a vest over a couple layers be sufficient? Jo, maybe you could answer that for me. I don't know why I'm agonizing over this decision so much. I only do carry-on, too, just like you, Theresa, so I don't want to take too much. I guess I could always buy something if I needed to.

Posted by
73 posts

Forgive my obvious sensitivity. I think I've been watching too many political shows (arguing) and my grandmother passed recently (and very unexpectedly), so I think I may be overly worried about leaving my family here while we enjoy Germany.

This message board is GREAT, and I appreciate all the wonderful people here. Black quilted jacket (that I thought I had tossed, but funny that my sweet grandmother who lived in our guest house had kept it..found it yesterday) is what I'm taking with me. Tshirts to layer under blouses. And, just as others advised, I can always buy something if the thermometer dips too low!

Posted by
242 posts

I'm really happy that Rick created this part of ETTBD, so that we can ask QUESTIONS and help each other out.

I consider all of us as that person who would stop and help another traveller in a real-life situation, and if you've ever done this for someone, then you know how good it feels when they smile and say "Thank you!"

I too, have received some very valuable advice here and when you convert that "advice" into money saved, well, that makes it just that much more special, doesn't it?

I plan to spare a "thank you" thought to all the folks who encouraged me to pack conservatively a smaller suitcase, so I won't look like a rickety Atlas, trying to put my luggage in the overhead rack of the trains I will be on, due to my "rheumatiz" ;)


Posted by
9308 posts

I kind of like hooded sweatshirts that zip. You can wear one under a not so heavy jacket and then when it gets warm in the afternoon, the sweatshirt is easy to carry or tie on your bag, etc. You can also buy one of these when you get to Germany and then you have a souvenir too! The plus, is if it gets windy or rainy, that warm hood feels fantastic. I guess the other alternative is a jacket with removable liner, but I don't know how easy that is to mess with when traveling. The only time I have had a coat like that was when the Army issued me a field jacket! I am not a fan of vests, as it is my arms that get cold.

Posted by
697 posts

hi theresa, i am in germany now, in munich actually, and it is cold, 3 degrees celcius this morning, suppose to go up to 15 today, we really appreciated our north face bionic coat, which are weatherproof, and for some reason we have seen quite a few on our trip, so i guess they are in fashion these days. you definetely need a scarf, i does get cold when the sun goes down.

Posted by
116 posts

i don't think a vest is going to cut it, IMO. I was going to go to the grocery store yesterday with a fleece vest, and then thought better of it. We're beyond vests here. I wore a coat. Unless I'm on an active hike in the afternoon, I don't think a vest would keep me warm enough.

Get a hooded windblock fleece from LLBean. Wear layers underneath. Carry an umbrella. Be happy.

Posted by
48 posts

We are going over Dec 1..was taking a fleece vest, fleece jacket & a waterproof/windproof jacket. And an umbrella..mittens/scarf/hat. If that isn't enough guess we will have to buy a jacket. Will be in Munich, Nurnberg & Rothenburg

Posted by
525 posts

Don't forget to pack a turtleneck to go over your first layered shirt. A runner's shirt that wicks away would be good as a first layer or a silk undershirt and longjohn type pants. Then your turtleneck or regular shirt, a sweater or your fleece then a lightweight waterproof jacket should work for you. Even though you are taking a scarf, hat, gloves and umbrella, it is always nice to have the warmth around your neck. At least I always take one. One year we went to Germany, I did not take a turtleneck and it got cold so had to go buy one. I was much more comfortable then. You can always take off but can't add on if you don't have it with you. I'm sure it will be quite cold in December. With 4 layers on you probably won't be able to bend over....just kidding...or take a waterproof jacket with a liner. I hope you have a wonderful experience.

Posted by
48 posts

Thank you Bill. Am really looking forward to visiting your home town. My grandmother was born in Frankfort & my grandfather somewhere in it will be exciting to see the country where they came from...yeah we are taking turtlenecks. I have 5. With all this finanical stuff going on, it is scary. But what the heck!!

Posted by
73 posts

Yes, Jo, I'm packing right now! Yah! We are about as ready as we can be. Thanks for the current weather report. If we forget something, we'll just explore the wonderful stores there in Germany.

Posted by
242 posts

Char's getting me all excited about going home to Rothenburg. One of my favorite things to do is watch the smiles and wonder on the folks' faces as they experience my hometown for the first time.

I'll be there on the 5th and staying till the 10th tenth when I go back to Frankfurt for an easy restful night before my return trip to Atlanta on Thursday.

Until they got to know me, my friends couldn't believe I would go home just for less than a week, till I explained I wasn't going as a tourist.

(Although I will be when I go to Bonnn next April to visit the Beethoven-Haus).


Posted by
9308 posts

Looks like it is almost time for you to jump on your airplane and fly on over here. It is still cool here with some sprinkles today, but with some wonderful blue skies appearing through the day. The mornings and nights are pretty chilly though. Have a good trip and come back and tell us all about it when you return.

Posted by
525 posts

Char, you are suppose to pack LIGHT!! I don't know how long you will be gone but 5 turtlenecks could be cut down to at least 2 or 3. Take more weight off your shoulders!!! Just a thought that came to mind when I read your response. Happy trip to you