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iTouch as a telephone

Has anyone used an iTouch as a cell phone using skype or truphone in Europe? I will be in Spain in the Fall and want to be able to communicate back to the states. My understanding is that it can be used with a microphone in a WIFI setting. Is it difficult to do?

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What you will need is the Iphone headset which has a tiny microphone in one of the lines leading to an earpiece. I did use my iTouch with Skype in Europe and had no problems. I already had a Skype account with my contacts already set up before I began using the iTouch. Setting up Skype on your iTouch for the first time might be less convenient than using a computer with a full keyboard, but it shouldn't be too difficult. We were in London, Paris, Brugge and Amsterdam and had no problems with connections as every place we stayed had wifi. Skype is cheaper than truphone. Oh, this only works with the second generation iTouch. The 1stGen doesnt have the circuitry to support a mic.