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Itinerary: Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, France, England, Iceland ?

I am planning a big trip to Europe this summer, starting around June 10th and continuing into the first or second week of July. I've spent a lot of time in Spain, parts solo, but have no experience in the rest of Europe. This trip will be solo and I'm a young woman in my mid 20s. Does this plan sound reasonable in terms of travel time and energy? amount of time in each place? Fly in to Amsterdam around June 11th, stay Thursday-Sunday. Include side trip to Haarlem. Take overnight train Sunday night to Basel and continue on to Berner Oberland region. Stay Berner Oberland M, T, W. Th, fly to Barcelona (most of day traveling). Stay in Barcelona Th, F, Sa. (Include side trip to Montserrat, Girona, or Dali museum?) Train to Valencia on Sunday night. Stay S, M, T. Fly to London. Explore England 2-3 weeks. Back to the continent for Paris and Normandy for about 5 days. Fly home Icelandair through Reykjavik and spend 1-2 nights there. Some of you might quickly tell me to go to Paris before heading back to England but I'd like to go to Wimbledon during the championship, and that's how the timing works. Some others might say to start in England but I think I want the bigger travel portions at the beginning and end. Thoughts?

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567 posts

Itinerary suggestive questions:
1) Can you give Paris & Normandy more days and still not miss Wimbledon? This could allow you time to do Paris well and a side trip to Versailles or Chartres or Reims. Are you only doing the WWII theme in Normandy only or mixing this theme with other places like Giverny, Rouen, Honfleur or St.Michel? 2) If you've been to Spain before would you consider visiting another country after Switzerland, like Germany or Northern Italy or western France?

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2081 posts

Caroline, comments:
> You can easily spend 5 days just in Paris. > from frist glance it appears you a back tracking somewhat in the paris/spain part of your trip.. IF thats what you want and if thats how you scheduled it, go for it, but to me, back tracking is a a waste of time/$$$. happy trails.

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4132 posts

Priorities are a completely personal thing, but you are really shortchanging yourself on your French destinations. You'll spend much of those 5 days in transit. I'd consider (1) stealing some time from the UK, (2) saving another segment of your trip for next time, (3) skipping Normandy, or (4) Skipping France.