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Itinerary help

I am planning a trip my first trip to Europe this late November. I have a little under 3 weeks' vacation time and need help. I will be traveling solo if that helps (32M). I absolutely want to visit Paris and Rome. However, I am stuck on the third place. I am planning on staying in each city 5 days and have allotted one day of travel between each (flights). Interested in everything travel; Museums, historical sights, food, night life, etc.

I am torn between the following locations: Berlin, Vienna, Prague, Barcelona, Athens.

"Is there someplace I missed and should look at?"

Help please!

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1138 posts

If you go very late November, you could see the Xmas Markets in Vienna. My vote would be Vienna or Prague -- although if it's your final stop, you could get direct flights home easier from Berlin or Barcelona. We just LOVE Prague and Vienna.

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3538 posts

Based on your interests Berlin (appr. 170 museums, tons of historical sights, people from around 190 nations with all kind of food and a nightlife without closing hour) and Prague (much smaller than Berlin) sound like best matches. Late November there can be cold temperatures in these cities. Depending on final travel dates you will find open Christmas markets. So visit Berlin.

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1100 posts

There’s nothing but great options. Since you seem focused on big cities we can stick with that. You could always do London and make this a classic “Big Three” trip. Nothing wrong with that at all. Otherwise, Prague, Barcelona or Athens are more unlike Paris and Rome, if you’re looking for variety. However, I find them comparatively light on the museum side against the two heavy hitters. Idk if 5 nights in any of those might feel a bit long. Then again, you might need a break from looking at legendary art.

For my money, Madrid is underrated and you could really spend some time there. Fantastic museums, food, cool people, and some easy day trips nearby. Very easy as a solo traveler. I’ve been twice. I have not been to Barcelona, but at least among folks I know reviews are mixed. Also, maybe stretching your Rome leg to include some of Tuscany, or Florence, or Venice? Like, you WILL have to go back to Italy, so there’s no harm in stretching into that now. Happy planning!

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3350 posts

I agree with MarkK. Berlin will not be as cold as Vienna and Prague but expect rain. Berlin is one of the coolest places I’ve been because there are so many young people who know how to make a city unique. There’s lots of street art and great gathering places where you can make friends.

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347 posts

If museums are your top interest, then I would recommend London first and then Berlin. Vienna has some good museums but not comparable to London and Berlin. Prague and Barcelona are fantastic to walk and wander about but are light museum wise.

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3 posts

Thanks!!! It seems like Berlin and Prague are the top picks so far. I like museums but I am looking for a city that has everything to do. I love meeting new people on my travels, night life and of course eating great food. It will be the middle stop between Paris and Rome. is Prague big enough for 5 days visit? I know Berlin is massive.

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9336 posts

I would go with Berlin. So much to see and do, plus the Christmas markets will be happening.

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21550 posts

Any would work. I would add Budapest to your list cause I am biased. Look at the discount airlines leaving Paris and Rome (Wizz Air and Ryan Air) and see their nonstop destinations and see if that gives you ideas.