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Itinerary: 2 Weeks Venice>Lauterbrunnen>Bacharach>AMS>Paris

Hi, Going to Europe next month with the below itinerary. Does this sound reasonable? Enough days in between? Do I need to cut anything or re-work logistics? Trying to limit long train rides....min trains = max time for fun! -Arrive to Venice (2 full days) -Train to Lauterbrunnen (approx 7 hrs) -Lauterbrunnen (2 full days) -Train to BAcharach (approx 7hrs) -Bachrach (1 & 1/2 days) -Evening train to AMS (approx 5 hrs) -Amsterdam (2 full days) -Morning train to Paris (approx 2.5 hrs)
-Paris (2 full days)

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1976 posts

Hi KT. I'll give your question a shot, since no one has responded. I've only been to a couple of the places on your list (Venice, Amsterdam, Paris) but I think you need to slow down. You're visiting 5 cities in 5 countries in 2 weeks and half of your days in Europe are travel days. Paris deserves more than 2 full days, as does Amsterdam. You already have your flights but I'd encourage you to cancel some of your hotels and stay in 2 countries. Since you're flying into Italy and out of France, why not stay in those two? You could stay in Venice for a week with daytrips and Paris for a week with daytrips.

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19 posts

Hi, In reality I'll be there a month, my husband flies home from Paris. I will stay in Paris an additional few days before heading to LON and DUB. This is 9 "on the ground" days.... 5 travel days (some are 1/2 day trips). Should I cut one city? I've been to VEN before, don't need more than 2 days. Day 1: Arrive Venice, red eye 11:45 am Day 2-3:Venice -( 2.5 days) Day 4:Depart for Lauterbrunnen, approx 7 hrs. Arrive late. Day5-6: Lauterbrunnen BO Region (2 full days) Day 7 Depart for BACH in afternoon, 7 hrs. arrive late. Day 8: Bacharach Germany (1 full day) Day 9: Afternoon Train to AMS, approx 5 hrs. Day 10-11: Amsterdam (2 days) Day 12: Depart for Paris in am Day 13-14: Paris
Day 15: My hubby departs Paris, I continue on.....

Posted by
1976 posts

Cut Venice if you can, since you've already been there and it's the farthest south.