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Posted by
23460 posts

I am not sure I would want to call them tour guides but supposedly the crime rate is down significantly since the program was started. That is saying something for Naples.

Posted by
2193 posts

Well, at least PM Berlusconi will have a shot at a job when he gets out of jail.

Posted by
416 posts

That is a really cool solution to a "sticky" problem.

Posted by
2031 posts

An interesting option. Here in Ohio, they're politicians.

Posted by
284 posts

Quiz: Select the most appropriate answer:

Question - Hello, I am a stranger that might have a criminal record and
a) I will be helping you today
b) I will be on the same plane/train as you today
c) I will be in the same airport as you today
d) I will be on the same Rick Steves tour with you
e) I will be working with you
f) All of the above

Ans: f


Posted by
2779 posts

Well, in Italy you gonna get mugged anyway. So this way you know at least when it'll happen and by whom ;-)

Posted by
12172 posts

My name is Alberto. I am supporting my family and my mama. Things have not always been so good for us. I used to make ends meet by stealing from cars and tourists.

I get upset easily and have been convicted of several assaults.

I'm out of prison now and trying to make a living as a guide. I hope you enjoy yourself and don't try to get away without tipping, if you know what's good for you.

Posted by
2779 posts

OK, so... political correctness has died ;-)...?