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Italy/Ireland vs Praque

I know traveling is very personal. Just wanted to get some thoughts on what is more doable. Originally was going to do a week in Italy and a week in Ireland. Mayb a bit too ambitious. I know I could depend MONTHS in Italy. I am rethinking things. There will be seven of us traveling, me, spouse and 5 kids. Other place I’ve researched a bit is Praque, Vienna. Anyone whose travelled to these places, would one or the other be better as far as getting around for a large group like this? My families heritage is Italian so I’ve always wanted to take my family there. I’ve been a few times but as a teenager. And I was in Ireland last year and just live it so much. Really any of these places would be great and it’s just coming down to getting around and what would be easiest. I don’t know about renting two cars for a family of seven.

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6869 posts

Not really a question anyone can answer. But agree you should NOT take two weeks and spend one in each country.

That said, given the logistics of moving such a large group around, I'd opt for Italy for one one reason: Almost everywhere in Italy is very well connected by train. OTOH, much of the best parts of Ireland require driving. In Italy, you just have to corral everyone and get them on/off trains most of the time, which is going to be a heckuvalot easier than getting everyone in one or more vehicles. Many Irish roads in the most scenic areas are small and not well suited for larger vehicles. I'd stick to more rail-friendly Italy.

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8373 posts

Traveling with seven people would be quite a challenge. There's enough in Italy to keep you busy for two weeks.
The train service in Italy is also relatively inexpensive. You would have to have a large van to haul so many people and the luggage.
Have you considered staying at an agriturisimo or renting a villa in a central location and working out of there for day trips?

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4727 posts

Definitely spend both weeks in Italy. You've always wanted to take your family there and I imagine your kids would like Italy best.

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2930 posts

We were in Greece with 7 people and rented two vehicles. It worked well mostly but I think the train would be easier. Greece like Ireland does not have a great train system. But if you go to an Agritourismo you will be back to renting a car. So where you go in Italy matters. We have been to both Prague and Vienna and did so using public transportation. You could Salzburg and have a lovely trip.

Posted by
161 posts

I agree with David of Seattle and focus on one country with a large family group. It's a personal choice. Clearly whatever you don't choose, go back to see it next time. Ireland and Italy are my two favorites, coincidentally. Depends to on what time of year. Italy is best not in the summer due to the heat, whereas Ireland is cooler. Culturally, there is more to experience in Italy-- the ruins, museums, and the FOOD. Ireland is lovely, the people are great.

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613 posts

Compared to Vienna, Italy, and Prague, Ireland doesn't even make the list.

I can't begin to imagine doing this with 5 kids, but consider starting in Rome and first go to the Pantheon. Look at the front of thin 2000 year old building & ask the kids if it looks familiar. If they say no, show them a picture of the Supreme Court Building, the point being that we are the decendants of the ancient Romans.

Play a game in Rome-- find SPQR. This was the brand the ancient Romans put on public works. In Latin, Senātus Populus que Rōmānus, or the Senate and People of Rome. Again, more than 2000 years old and it's still used today, even on the manhole covers.

Don't miss the Trevi Fountain at night.

Posted by
62 posts

Thanks everyone for your input! So I’ve decided we would do Italy for 2weeks. I am thinking we would focus more on northern/central Italy. I’m thinking Tuscany, cinque Terre, Portifino, Verona.
Again, I am just in the planning phase.

1) would it be out of the question to travel as far south as Amalfi Coast?
2) Itinerary suggestions?
There would be 7 of us. 2 adults, 5 kids ages 26,24,23,21, 13. No one has specific things as of now they want to see.
Is it possible to get around by train only? TIA!

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16880 posts

There would be 7 of us. 2 adults, 5 kids ages 26,24,23,21, 13. No one
has specific things as of now they want to see.

Kei, as noted in your other post on this subject, you do not have 2 adults and 5 kids. You have 6 adults and 1 child: anyone age 18 or over is an adult. This is an important distinction where some of your sightseeing is concerned. It also plays into the individuals who should be involved in the planning for this trip: if they're adults, they should be doing some of the research for where to go, what to see and how to do it. Get some guidebooks and pass them around. :O)