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Posted by
3603 posts

Can't find the article, Frank.
I'm just getting a blank screen.

Posted by
16610 posts

I just tried it and it's working fine on my tablet and my phone.

Posted by
759 posts

Link comes up on my iPad. Article just notes concern over Covid as their reasoning in not opening to outside countries. Frank’s title and posted sentence tells you everything you need to know regarding the article.

Posted by
10425 posts

Interesting — thanks for flagging, Frank.

(Also, it came up fine on my iPhone)

Posted by
9080 posts

As I understand it, the EU decision is a recommendation, and not binding on member states. Since they're being more stringent than the EU, that seems to be within their rights, and doesn't have a negative impact on the other members.

Posted by
1692 posts

"Send us your money and we will do what ever we want." - Sounds like a lifelong welfare recipient. I didn't think you'd be in favour of that, James?

Posted by
3146 posts

James E., me too. Love the attitude and they know how to play the game. It's not welfare, it's ECON101 from my freshman year at WVU. I got a B-.

Rules without accountability are suggestions. Common sense 101, too.

Posted by
8053 posts

Just saw the repeat of the “Keep Hungary Hungarian” report on 60 Minutes this past Sunday. Sounds like Hungary is saying “no” to everybody outside of Hungary. Maybe some temporary visitors will be OK - short-term, but then, “Go Home!”