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what are the limits of luggage for two people to pack and the pros and cons entering italy

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2876 posts

Baggage policies and restrictions vary from airline to airline. So you have to check with your particular carrier.

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361 posts

Can you clarify your question? Are you asking what are the airline limits on luggage? Italy has a lot of cobble stone streets and many of the hotels do not have lifts/elevators or they start not on the ground floor but usually one flight up. Rick says pack light and we do, just one 21 inch roll on that you can carry and place in an over head airliner's bin. Anything you forget to bring can be purchased in Europe so try not to schlep a lot of stuff. Less is more!

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33477 posts

I don't completely understand the question. This will probably sound cheeky but I really can't think of another way to say it. Pros entering Italy - If you are going to Italy you will need to go into Italy, so going in is a positive. Cons entering Italy - If you don't want to go to Italy then finding out that you are there, or that you have to go there would be a negative. Is that what you are after? As far as limits of luggage for two people to pack, I would say that there are none as long as you are willing to pay for it and can find somebody to carry it. Airlines usually are happy to take extra luggage but usually have high fees to do so. If you are thinking about after getting off the plane, then you may be limited by how much fits in whatever vehicle you travel in. Even then there are usually possibilities such as hiring another taxi to carry extra bags.

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32324 posts

Brenda, I have to agree with some of the others - it would help if you could clarify your question, especially the part concerning the "pros and cons entering italy". The "limits of luggage" for two people will be largely dependent on what you're willing to carry. Unless you have a large budget to pay Porters or whatever, you'll have to haul everything yourselves, so keep that in mind. Hauling heavy luggage around Europe and off & on trains gets to be very tiring, very quickly! Happy travels!

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2876 posts

"Pros entering Italy - If you are going to Italy you will need to go into Italy, so going in is a positive." ROFL. I think when I go to England I want to meet Nigel and take him out for a drink. Guaranteed to be an evening of fun.

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2193 posts

Another pro: Great pizza
And another con: Silvio Berlusconi