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Italians vs. Europeans

Time for a little fun......

Posted by
1717 posts

Hi Frank. I appreciate your putting the link to the website for viewing that video, here. I saw that video, and I laughed. And other amusing videos pertaining to Europe are available there.

Posted by
3112 posts

So funny! I especially liked bureaucracy and buses, which were spot on.

Posted by
3580 posts

Great! This video needs something about how Italians make change for large bills.

Posted by
209 posts

tee hee! I love this video. I think about it and laugh every time someone totally cuts me off at the store. I tend to space out in a queue, so it happens a lot!

When I saw this last year I did not understand the clapping and cheering on plane landing, but then I saw it happen for myself when I flew back home from holiday, and it was also a pretty funny moment :D

Posted by
16006 posts

I always wondered why people applauded when a plane lands safely. What would they do if it

Posted by
964 posts

I've never seen this before and it had me laughing my socks off! Thanks Frank!

Posted by
29 posts

Thanks Frank, still hope to experience it someday!!!
Going to Britain next month, guess it wont be anything like Italy??????

Posted by
582 posts

I've been on the helpline since it was brand new, and I've never seen this clip until now. Many of us don't have time to read every post, so I think it's great to post something like this again. I'm very glad you did Frank, because I really enjoyed this!! Adorable!

Posted by
1829 posts

Ron - do not confuse London, which is an international city and therefore not representative, with the rest of England. I can assure you that there are still plenty of us around and any chaos is of our own making.

Posted by
508 posts

Thanks for posting this Frank! I had completely forgotten about it. My Italian teacher (from Florence) several years ago would play it on video in class. The class would laugh, but she thought it was so funny she would play it over and over... She had comments about which region of Italy each item represented - I thought I would never forget so I didn't write them down. Now I wish I had.

Posted by
10344 posts

Ron: the play button is actually in the original post, if you scroll up to that you should see the button.

Posted by
1717 posts

I wish for more people to see that.