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Is there any way to save a thread?

I'd like to keep the one on mysteries.

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19100 posts

Unless the author chooses to de-lete the entire thread, it lives forever in cyberspace. Copy the URL from the address line and paste it on a text file on your computer. Any time you want to refer to it, copy and paste back to the address line.

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19100 posts

You can also click 'File' on the toolbar and se-lect 'Save page as'. Just remember where you put it. That will give you a permanent record on you computer of what the page looked like at the time. The previous URL method will include all addition posting, until such time as the author, or the webmaster, or ? causes the file to go away.

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162 posts

If your reason for saving it is to be able to refer to the list of books for future reading, maybe you could just copy and paste the entire thread onto a Word file. I often do that for certain bits of info found on random sites including this one.