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Is there a Trip Planner website to help plan a 90 day trip thru europe?

We travel in the USA for 5-6 months each year in a 40' motorhome and for 2025 are planning a trip with another couple that we often travel with in our RVs to Europe. But we are not sure about doing RV's in Europe, ours are too big, but would like to know if there is a website similar to an or that we use to plan a route for our 6 months on the road, we can add campgrounds, hotels, POI's and anything else needed where it gives us approx driving times and mileages in one convenient place.

In Europe we will "probably" travel by Train 90% from City to City. We would like to be able to enter our itinerary into something similar to what we do today for our long RV trips. I thought Triptile was going to be able to do it, but it doesn't look like you can add a second city or more city's to a trip.

Is there something else. I even went into Google Maps and Saved a bunch of Want to Go places which you cannot zoom out and see, you must be fairly zoomed in to see them so they are all very local to each other. Thanks, Bill

Posted by
8708 posts

Well, I use Wanderlog, which can be adjusted for any length trip (my next one is 6 weeks). It has a free version but I liked it so much I got the paid version. Other folks here use TripIt for travel planning and speak highly of it.

With either of those, you could certainly do what you are trying to do as stated above. Here is a thread that was posted earlier today that also might give you some ideas.

And here's another one from several months ago that is filled with trip research ideas.

Posted by
96 posts

I just started using the tripit app for my three weeks coming up. It is working out great. I especially like the map function

Posted by
15195 posts

No suggestions on websites but just make sure you are up on how many days you are allowed to travel within the European Schengen Zone. It is exactly 90 days including your arrival and departure day. I'd plan my departure for a few days ahead of the 90 in case of flight cancellations, etc. I'm not sure what countries you plan to visit so just throwing that out as one more thing to keep in mind.

Posted by
90 posts

Understood, that's was the main reason to use a trip planner, to map the route # days per town we visit to see if we could do it in the 90 days they allow. I am figuring we could also get visas for countries we may want to stay longer, but I haven't looked into that as I am not sure we will need to stay longer. I have duel citizenship, Ireland and US. My Irish passport is on order... Right now on one of my RV Travel Planners I put in a sample route and we would leave Paris on the 90th day for London, then travel the UK and over to Ireland the last few weeks. (non Schengen)


Posted by
34632 posts

If there are any issues with the Irish passport arriving - I think that's why you want this app - remember that any part of a day, even on arrival and departure travel days, even a minute, counts as a Schengen day.

Most people leave a buffer in case of illness, accident or travel issues so not to cause an expensive issue...

Posted by
28873 posts

Getting an extended-stay visa seems to be a rather onerous process for a tourist. It's typical to need lodging set up for the full period of the visa (like an apartment lease), which doesn't fit with most tourists' plans to travel around a lot rather than staying in one place. It seems you have to prove assets and/or income to satisfy the Immigration officials that you aren't planning to work in their country. Proof of medical insurance is another common requirement. It's definitely not as simple as filling out a form and getting it rubber-stamped.

Posted by
1986 posts

If you like RV travel, it's also very popular in Europe. I know people who have had amazing trips doing long term leases or even buying And then selling when then leave.

So if RV is your thing don't rule it out.

Posted by
2638 posts

if you get an Irish passport you can stay as long as you like in the UK and EU.

Posted by
90 posts

if you get an Irish passport you can stay as long as you like in the UK and EU.<<

So far, what I have read that's not correct. Since Ireland isn't a Schengen country, I will have the same 90 day issue as if I was using my US Passport. I hope what I have read is incorrect, but it makes sense. Still looking for more on that, but the wife only has a US Passport so, i am probably stuck @ 90 days no matter what. -Bill