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Is there a Denver travel group meeting this month?

Yes! (This posting is actually an announcement, but I was just trying to post it as a question per website rules).

Where: Panera Bread, Aspen Grove, Santa Fe and Mineral
When: Saturday, Feb 15, 10:00 AM

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23548 posts

Now if we can just get out of this cold snap.

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23548 posts

We are just back from three weeks in the Caribbean. Should have made it five.

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2167 posts

Weather forecast is for 62 degrees on Saturday. Not quite Caribbean but lovely for Denver in Februrary.

Posted by
115 posts

I'd like to start attending these soon, as we'll probably be doing a France trip in fall 2015 that we'll want some advice on, but alas, I'll be in Chicago this coming weekend and then we're going to Grand Cayman for a week. Looking forward to meeting you all in the coming months!

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23548 posts

Come any month. It is always the same place, same time.

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23548 posts

Could be close to 60. May ride my bike. Vespa for sure.

Posted by
1589 posts

I am going to miss this meeting - going snow shoeing up Butler Gulch - can't pass up the beautiful weather and the chance to enjoy great scenery and deep snow.

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23548 posts

Stay away from the "moving snow."