My husband and I are planning what will be our first trip to Europe together (he has been to Scotland; I am traveling to London/Copenhagen in 2 weeks). We have September 19-October 1 open. Initially we were planning to visit France (Paris - Champagne - Provence - Nice). Now I have apprehension about traveling to Paris. France is at the top of our travel wish list, and we plan to visit at some point, but I am wondering whether this is the right time for that trip or if we should consider other destinations and plan to visit France when the climate settles a little more.
We are also considering a tour of Italy (as many or as few stops as our time frame allows) or Germany/Switzerland or any combination of all of the above. Having never experienced these parts of Europe, I am slightly overwhelmed. Travel agents seem to be very passionate about their preference for either France or Italy and I am finding it hard to get a gauge on a good direction.