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Ireland to Scotland to Paris!

Hi, this is my first time traveling to Europe. I'll be in Ireland for 90 days, but would like to visit Scotland and Paris during my stay. I have an American passport, so will I just need that to travel from Ireland to Scotland by plane? Will re-entry into Ireland be a difficult process? Thanks for any help or advice! :)

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9110 posts

The Republic of Ireland has a 90 day, no-visa, limit for holders of U.S. passports. Exit and re-entry starts the process all over again. You don't have to fly to get to Scotland. Ferries run from Northern Ireland to Scotland. Additional ferries run from the RoI to Wales and England. If not flying is a factor, there all are also ferries from the RoI to France (Brittany).

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5678 posts

Ed's right, you can take the ferry to Scotland, but if you're going for a long weekend, then you should also look at flights. It seemed to me when I visit Scotland that there are often cheap airfares to Dublin. Just remember that the discount airlines have very strict baggage rules so read the fine print. ; ) Pam

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2 posts

Thank you both for the information - much appreciated!

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32324 posts

Cassie, Your U.S. Passport is all you'll need for re-entering Ireland. Just curious, which part of Ireland will you be staying?