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Ipod Touch? Is it really the best way to avoid charges?

My sister and I will be traveling throughout Europe for 6 weeks and we are wanting to find the most economical way to contact loved ones at home. A friend told me that an Ipod Touch is the best way to go because you can download an app where you can text and call, but there are no roaming charges/charges at all. Is this true? Are there any other methods you would suggest that would be economical as well? We really do not want to purchase several SIM cards along the ways in each country. We will be moving around quite a bit and we feel that will be more money than it's worth. Thanks for any help!

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9109 posts

You can download the Skype app. With a Wifi internet connection you can make free voice calls to other folks who have Skype installed, or pay around .03 cents a minute to call a land-line or mobile:

Posted by
32253 posts

Amanda, Using an iPod Touch is certainly one option for Skype, E-mail and web surfing, but of course it only functions in Wi-Fi areas. I've never seen any App's that allow texting, but those may certainly be available. I'm not sure it would be correct to state that "there are no roaming charges/charges at all" though. Some Hotels and Hostels charge a fee for Wi-Fi access, so there's no way to get around that. As I found out on my trip in September, these charges are sometimes a bit steep (€5 per hour). Another issue is the reliability of Wi-Fi connections. Some of the ones I've used have been great and operate without problems. In other cases, the connections frequently cut-out, which means signing-in frequently. Another option you might consider is travelling with a Netbook or Tablet (such as an iPad). They provide many of the same functions as an iPod Touch. Happy travels!

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1840 posts

Using a Touch for email is free any where there is WiFi, and that is now all over the place. We use it that way on all our trips.

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97 posts

If you have an iphone, you can just disable the international data and use as an itouch, right? And if you have a Verizon Iphone, that is pretty much your only option - ie using it as an Itouch.

Posted by
873 posts

We used our iPhones on the last trip with the roaming turned off and it worked great. By doing this, you essentially make it an iPod Touch, so either one would work. We were able to use the internet at no charge in WiFi free areas, listen to our Rick Steves app tours, and call home when back in the States. This worked better for us than using a heavier and bigger notebook or laptop. You can use Skype, etc. to contact back home at no charge if you get into a WiFi zone that does not charge for use. You could also email as well. I'd say it's a good choice and economical as well.

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1152 posts

Amanda, you don't need to purchase several SIM cards along the way in each country. You likely can just buy one in the first country. I know this to be true if your first country is the U.K. If you are in Europe, the cell phone companies expect their customers to roam in other countries. The roaming costs are capped by regulation. The cost of calling while roaming are more expensive, but not by an excessive amount. Also, you can purchase a roaming package from the original cell phone carrier. These packages are even available for reasonable data (i.e., Internet) usage. Disadvantages: Being prepaid, you have to keep up with your usage and "top-up" your balance from time to time. My experience is with the U.K. I have been able to buy top-up vouchers over ebay so I didn't have to be in the country where the account was based. Another disadvantage: You have to figure out how to use the account, which can be a problem if you purchase it in a country where you don't speak the language (another advantage of getting one from the U.K.). Also, some countries, e.g., Italy, may (or may not) impose restrictions on who and how to purchase SIMs. There has been a discussion on the helpline recently about this issue. Given your description, though, I'd go with the Touch and Skype (or something similar) over wifi. Buy a prepaid phone card at a convenience store and use payphones to make calls home. That is the least amount of trouble and cost.

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1525 posts

This is one of those can't-see-the-forest-for-the-trees types of questions. People who enjoy the iPod Touch will extoll it's virtues and people who love their phones will try to convince you how easy it is to do XYZ to make it work in Europe. The only critical question remains unspoken; How much calling do you expect to do and why? If you want people from home to be able to call you freely (though I can't imagine why in this era of checking emails 10x a day) then you need a phone and you will have to figure out the hoops you need to jump through to make it happen for less than a small fortune. If you want to be able to call back home frequently to keep track of everyone in your life (though I can't imagine why in this era of Facebook) you will need a phone to avoid being caught without a good wifi connection. If what you want is an ability to talk to someone at home just a few times, whenever it's convenient for you and you have a good wifi connection, then the iPod Touch (or similar device) with Skype (or some similar app) will work VERY WELL, with little trouble and with no risk of ridiculous charges. But unless you afraid of someone in your close circle keeling over while you are away, the best way to "keep in touch" with anyone while you are away is through email. There are no time changes to keep track of and you can send messages whenever you like and people on the other end can read them whenever they like. Problem solved.

Posted by
45 posts

Randy, I definitely fall into the category that just wants to call home a few times to check in with my parents. My dad is not in the best of health right now so I suppose that's my main reason. I have an iPhone, but do not have an iPod Touch. Thank you for your reply!

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1525 posts

Amanda, I'm not an iPhone owner, but I know the phone does everything the iPod Touch does, so you should be able to turn off the cell service and go wifi only. You shouldn't have to go out and buy another device if you don't want to. Just make sure the proper buttons are turned off to avoid charges. I didn't mean to be flip about family health issues.

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3696 posts

Amanda... If your iphone is AT&t you can simply turn off your data roaming and carry your phone as usual. You can add about 50 texts while you are gone for $10. I take mine all the time and simply do not answer if it is not from an important person. Most of my friends know I am gone so will not call. My kids know they can just text and ask me to call home if emergency. Per minute talking is expensive, but you can get it for less by just adding an international plan temporarily. This keeps life simple for me and I do have my phone when I land and do also have a phone that I am familiar with in case of emergency on my end.

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529 posts

You can download the app "TextNow". It WILL work, I texted from Europe on my last trip. You already have the iphone, just disable roaming. Why buy another device? Just remember you must have wifi connection in order to text.

Posted by
873 posts

As others have stated, do not go out and buy another device, like the iPod Touch. If you have an iPhone, and it sounds like you do, just turn off roaming and you'll turn it into an iPod Touch. Download the text apps suggested (or research your own) and Skype you'll be all set. Just look for Wifi spots once there, which was relatively easy.
If you aren't sure how to do all this stuff, go to your local cell phone store or give them a call and they should be able to help you out. Good luck!

Posted by
45 posts

Thank you everyone for your suggestions! I truly appreciate it! And no worries Randy. I appreciate your help and I know you mean well! :)

Posted by
32253 posts

Amanda, Which cellular network are you with? If you're planning to use your iPhone to check on your Dad, the phone functions will only work in Europe if you're with AT&T or T-Mobile. As you'll only be making occasional calls, roaming with your home network would probably be the easiest method. If you're with AT&T, have a look at their "travel packs" which will reduce your costs somewhat for voice or texting.

Posted by
45 posts

Ken, I am with AT&T. I will definitely check into the travel packs! Thanks for the tip! :) Amanda

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19 posts

Sometimes, if you are a party of about 10, a mobile phone with a local SIM( roaming in Europe) is a great way to keep in touch with your entourage. Particularly helpful in busy station/airport terminals, market areas, etc. Any idea, which one can be a great, prepaid mobile service within Europe, that is popular and useful?