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iphone usage

I plan to turn off my data usage on my iphone to avoid unnecessary charges. I am confused about what that will allow my phone to do. I would like to have access to my metro apps, my ipod for audio tours, and various other apps that are video of sites around Europe. Will any of these work with the data turned off? I guess I could shut off the data now and see what works. Are there any other tips I should know about?

Posted by
248 posts

50MB International Data costs $60/month; HOWEVER, you can request it to be activated the day you arrive at your location and cancel after you get back, so that it is prorated. I used 35MB while in London for a week - because I canceled it, it was pro-rated to be only $15 or so for the actual week I used it. Well worth it not to have to count MBs while I'm supposed to be relaxing. :) AT&T has great iPhone tips for international traveling. FOllow it and you'll be in good shape.

Posted by
463 posts

it depends on the app. most do require the data link or wifi. ones that don't--specifically travel apps--typically say so in the description (like lonely planet's apps, which have 'offline maps') but yes, the best way to figure that out is to try it now.

if you really want some data--like to be able to use maps and occasionally check your email (if you are not traveling with a laptop or netbook or ipad), you can pay for an international data package. you pay per MB--the smallest package i think is something like 20mb for $20. to figure out how much you need, or to get a sense of how much you use, you can reset the count in your settings and see how much data you typically use in a given time.

Posted by
16 posts

Thanks. I am going to take my iPad. I just rec'd a camera adapter so I don't need a laptop. Thanks for the info.

Posted by
16 posts

AIRPLANE MODE!!! Brilliant idea! Too bad i'm not in Paris yet - I'd buy you a cafe au lait for that tip! Merci

Posted by
1201 posts

Check your iPhone, on my 3GS airplane mode turns off wifi too.

You need to turn it back on manually, but then it stays on.

Posted by
16 posts

Yes, I see that on my 3G. I am experimenting with my apps now. Thanks!

Posted by
5678 posts

Just call AT&T. They will tell you exactly what to turn off. Airplane mode will not work as then you can't make calls either. I believe that you need to go to Settings, General, Network, and then turn off Enable 3G. But call AT&T. They will walk you through it.


Posted by
40 posts

You can turn off data roaming or put it in airplane mode. If you want to see how apps you'll use while traveling work without data or internet just put it in airplane mode. I now have an iPhone but used to have an iPod Touch so I did this all the time.

Posted by
31 posts

On a slightly sperate note, I'm assuming the charger that comes with your iPhone will work fine in Europe and doesn't require a voltage converter? I have a plug adapter already.

Also, this might have been mentioned, but when you add the data plan- reset your data usage tracker upon arrival, that way you can see how you're doing. I'll be in Europe for 3 weeks and I signed up for the 50mb plan, which I know will go fast (I think I currently average about 500mb a month). I think the trick will be seeking out the free wifi.

Posted by
16 posts

Yes, I picked up an adapter for the conversion. Thanks to everyone that took the time to reply to my question. The advice is very helpful.

Posted by
265 posts

yes, the iphone charger is dual voltage (look for the text on charger saying Input: 100-240V)