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Can I use Magic Jack to make calls on my IPhone from Italy and France in October?
Do I need to have the phone unlocked or it that not necessary with an IPhone. I used it from Chile and Argentina with no problems. ALso - what do I turn off so a not to get roaming and other charges.

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About Magicjack I've no idea, but I'd doubt it. If the IPhone works in Argentina/Chile it will work everywhere else. Turn off 'Cellular Data'. Leave everything else alone, including the stupid airplane mode. You'll have wifi, GPS, phone, camera, etc. Do it any other way and you can leave yourself open to sequence screw-ups that can get on your pocket. If you have to turn cellular data back on for a a short while, it will cost you, but not kill you - - unless you forget to turn it back off. Our phones are always on an international voice plan since we travel so much. Neither tablet nor neither phone has ever been on an international data plan, and I'd bet we don't use international cellular data more than ten minutes combined in the course of a year.