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Internet Access for our Laptop in Italy

We will be in Italy for several weeks, driving, and want to know best way to access internet in case we get lost, google for directions, mapquest...etc...what are your thoughts...Thanks!

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805 posts

Get a GPS. They're an absolute necessity in Italy, where a lot of the roads aren't that well marked.

Second option is to go to an internet cafe, or many coffee shops, as they may have WI-FI.

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3313 posts

If that's what you want a laptop for, GPS is a better option. Internet access can be tough in Italy and requires photo ID due to anti-terrorism laws.

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1158 posts

Well I don't know how many wi-fi cafees are in Italy, but I know some hotels and even hostels have wi-fi. I have a T-mobile phone with data on it. I take it anywhere I travel and has been woked wonderfully every time.The internet connection was even faster in Europe than here.
If you park close enough to a hotel with wi-fi you should be able to connect to the www, unless they require authentification.

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7898 posts

From what I saw, authentification was required at all sites in Italy. As Doug mentioned, laws affecting internet access are pretty strict there. Phones that access the net via the cell phone provider (not WiFi) may be different.