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International Student Identity Card (ISIC) - is it useful for high school students?

We are bringing three kids and two of them are in high school, and one in middle school.

Do they get any benefits via ISIC when travelling in France, Germany, Austria and Czek?

I do not want to spend unnecessary money ... thank you.

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833 posts

I don't think it is. They say it helps you get student discounts at various places, but I don't think you really need the ISIC card. For examples, many museums give discounts to EU students (so the card wouldn't help if your children aren't EU anyway). In other times where there was a general student discount, my university ID was sufficient. With being middle school and high school aged, they likely look young enough to qualify for any student discount available to them and I would imagine they wouldn't need a school ID.

Others may have better knowledge - I just personally haven't seen any utility in spending money on ISIC. Here are the discounts they advertise on their website, none seem like they would apply to your trip.

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16895 posts

We agree that discounts for teenagers are more often based on age than student status. If they ask for proof of age, then show passports.

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9369 posts

In the "olden days", I had an ISIC card when I was a college student in Austria. I used it all the time for discounts, but I don't think it's the same now. And for your kids, being not yet college age, they would probably get discounts anyway without a special card.

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139 posts

It depends on what you are doing. Last summer I looked into getting one for my 16 year old before going to Italy. He would have gotten a discount to just one place we were going so the cost of the ISIC was more than the discount. You can see on the websites of the places you are visiting if they give that specific discount. In France it is usually just based on age. We made sure we had his passport to prove he was only 16.