Well, technically, it is a voltage converter, because it has USB ports. It converts 120V-240V AC to 5 VDC for USB.
But it doesn't convert AC voltages. It never actually says that it does, but the use of the term "power converter" in the title is misleading. It is only a multi-country plug adapter and a USB charger combined.
"it will automatically power off when the current is greater than 6.3A". "Power off" meaning it blows it's (replaceable) fuse. With a nongrounding two pin Europlug, it is limited on the continent by codes to applications drawing 2.5A or less.
"Passing CE and FCC certification." Bullgravy. You don't pass CE certification. CE doesn't do any testing itself. CE is a self-certification, and CE never looks at your work unless there is a problem. And I think FCC certification is only that it doesn't produce any RFI and accepts any outside interference. Hardly an issue here.
"the LED light will indicate if the power source is grounded". Since there are no grounding pins on any of the plugs, it wouldn't matter if the power source was grounded, nor would it be possible to test the ground.
I no longer have any device that don't charge on 5VDC, so something like this is all I need.