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Interesting Article on Travel security, money, passports, etc

Periodically, we have questions such as "what do I do with my passport?", "How do I get cash?", "Is --- safe?". I thought this article in today's (July 18) Charlotte Observer newspaper covered things rather well. Not all of us agree with every bit of advice, but for "newbies" it touches on most of the important issues. Any thing you want to add?
( I can't make it a real link- just copy and paste)

EDIT- Ken made it a link for me (THANK YOU!!), so just click on his post's link!!!

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12040 posts

"Avoid posting on Facebook how long you'll be gone. If you want the world to know you're heading to Hawaii for two weeks, put in some fakes." With all the people who blog about their trips while in transit, I wonder if this has ever come back to haunt them. Example, see the post "would you like to follow us on our trip?".

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23557 posts

Personally I don't think it is wise to have copies of your credit card numbers floating around. If someone got a hold of the copies, it would be nearly as good as the real card. Same for posting in an email if you have to access from a public computer somewhere. However, you do need that back up information so we encode all of the numbers in a simple but tough to break substitution code. That way if the copies are lost or stolen or the email compromised, the information means nothing.

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199 posts

You could scan all of your info and save it on a portable Thumb-drive or two. Since these little USB devices are under $20 and are easy to carry and hide. Just scan your docs then make PDF's and copy to your drive. If you need to access just plug it in to computer and print. Just print from the drive and do not copy the docs to a computer.