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Insurance for VRBO?

I'm booking two places in France through VRBO. I'm just a little nervous about transferring money via a bank to bank transfer -- though it's definitely more affordable to do it this way -- has anyone gotten the rental insurance, or do you all think this is simply unncessary?

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26 posts

Eli -- I did see the VRBO insurance. That's what I was thinking of using, but I didn't know if I was simply being paranoid.

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78 posts

I have rented twice in Europe from VRBO, both with excellent results. I stuck with rentals that had many excellent reviews.

Not a guarantee but much better than taking a chance on a total unknown.

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160 posts

Hi Pam,
We own a vacation prperty which we rent periodically on Cyberrentals- same type of place as VRBO. I have never had anyone ask me about vacation insurance and have always rec'd money directly from renters, in USD, even from Europeans. I realize you are putting yourself out there but I think you're ok. I make sure I have communicated w/everyone I rent to and want them to understand this is MY HOME not a hotel room.
I will second the other poster about the pictures.... If you have ANY hesitation based on what you see, beware. We had this happen w/a swap and I will trust my instincts next time!