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Insurance coverage while traveling

To the senior readers: This is a little off the subject but..does your Medicare/Medigap insurance cover you while you are traveling outside your state and country.I have to choose one of the plans by next month. Please PM me with your response so we don't take up the helpline space. Thanks. I apologize for taking this much space with this question but I am SO CONFUSED!!! [email protected]

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2092 posts

Don't apologize! This is important information for many of us either now or in the near future and it is related to travel!
At the moment we have but I have no idea if that will be necessary next year for my husband. I could see just having the "regular" Medicare for here at home and Medjet for travel...I like knowing we have a way to get home from anywhere in the world with a personal health care provider with us.

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534 posts

Ditto that, don't apologize. This is so completely travel appropriate. You probably will help someone else who may not have thought of it.

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135 posts

The above-named insurance is good in all the states but not outside the country. If you have supplementary insurance different rules apply but most likely there is no 100% coverage overseas (in most cases, just a small percentage), you have to pay up and get reimbursed when you come home. Definitely get insurance to cover you while you are overseas, including insurance to ship you home, dead or alive....This need not be terribly expensive and can be cancelled after your return. However, you have to get it well in advance of your departure date. Check with individual insurers. Somebody on this board will know some websites, I'm sure. I used American Express.

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1568 posts

Check Trip Mate Insurance.

Last November I went on a tour of Israel. Trip mate paid for a single status room for me because my travel companion was injured before our departure from the US.

Trip Mate reimbursed my travel companion for all monies paid for the trip due to her not being able to travel.

One of the ladies on the tour (morning after we arrived in Tel Aviv) had a heart attack and died. Trip Mate reimbursed her husband for the cost of of the tour, etc. Trip Mate paid for her body and her husband and son to return to the US.

Due to my 1st hand knowledge and experience...I know this to be a very good Internation Travel Insurance company.

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525 posts

Thank you to all for the comments. I will print the information off and keep it in my "Travel" file. I knew I could count on all of you to help me out.
Thanks again. Bonnie

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1170 posts

Definitely get travel insurance. We got it last time and thankfully didn't have cause to use it, but for peace of mind, travel insurance can't be beat!