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Information on Thieves

If anyone is interested in a very revealing look at how the pickpockets and thieves work in Europe, the CBC program The Passionate Eye has re-broadcast the show Gypsy Child Thieves, which means the program can be watched on the internet for the next 30 days. This program was the winner of Best Documentary of the Year and it shows that not only are tourists victimized, but also the Roma children. The program is at This Website. You'll have to sit through a few adverts first, and the program is ~45 minutes. Cheers!

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2030 posts

I'm sorry these women and children are exploited, but as pathetic as most of these street beggars make themselves look, I always resist them, because I know their story.

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2876 posts

I was with a traveling friend yesterday, and he told me that one of the new tricks (probably not new to some of you) is throw-the-baby. The gypsy "mom" literally throws a real, living, baby at you. As you instinctively catch and hold it, the older kids fleece you.

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235 posts

The link seems to be blocked to US IP addresses, but the program can be found through a search on You Tube.

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1976 posts

Tom - the throw-the-baby trick has been around for at least 11 years. It almost happened to me in Italy in 2001. We recognized it because our Italian teacher told us what to look out for.

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1806 posts

Of course the Roma kids are exploited by their elders and drafted into stealing from tourists. But lots of kids all over the world are exploited, and a number are victimized not just by their parents who put them in these unspeakable situations, but also by tourists. Watch "Born Into Brothels" which was filmed in India - and there are similar problems in places like SE Asia, not to mention the human trafficking that goes on all over the world - including the U.S. and Europe - which involves minors. And then you've got kids rounded up and forced to become child soldiers in places like Africa... Makes pinching wallets from Midwesterners seem like a walk in the park.