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Information need about debit card

I have been to Europe several times and always use my debit card. The problem is that today one week before I leave for Europe I find out that someone has stolen my account number. Bank has canceled my debit card and I must get a new one. I know that I need 4 digit pin number. But when I got this debit card 10 years ago I also needed to have it be a Visa or Mastercard debit card from my bank so that I could use it in Europe. Is this still true, or can I use any debit card as long as I have a 4 digit pin?

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9369 posts

A Visa or Mastercard debit card would be easier to use, since virtually all ATMs accept both. If it's just a bank debit card, you would have to find an ATM that is in one of the systems listed on the back of the card. Not impossible, just harder to do. See if your bank can't help you expedite getting the new debit card.

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11507 posts

Janet, I have never had trouble with using both my ATM cards,, and they are not Visa or MC. Most bank cards use Cirrus, Plus or Interact, and I found many machines that took those.

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2876 posts

Janet, it would be an extreme rarity these days for a US-based bank to issue a debit card that did NOT have a Visa or Mastercard logo. So I wouldn't worry.