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Inexpensive faster service cafe's in Paris

Hi! I am traveling to Paris next week. I will be catching a 21:00 train in the evening and was looking for a recommendation for a faster service inexpensive cafe to grab a sit-down bite to eat in the latin quarter (where my hotel is) before catching the metro to Gare l'est. Any suggestions? Thanks!

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251 posts

I try to avoid eating in the Latin quarter because I find it a bit too touristy for my taste. Why not head out to the Gare l'Est area instead. You will find a little different style of Paris there and some very good kabob and gyro cafes.

Other than that it is very easy to walk down the street and find restaurants that have pre-prepared sandwiches etc... and a seating area. Even a served meal isn't that slow just make sure you ask for the bill with the meal if you are in a hurry. If all else fails there is alwyas Quick or Quality Burger Restaurant.

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14 posts

Thanks for your reply! Have you heard of Cafe le Procope? If so, can we order and ask for the bill and be in and out in about an hour? Or is there a wait there? Thanks so much!

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1170 posts

Glad to know about the gyro cafes. I had thought for some reason that the Latin Quarter was more of a quick eat place...

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11507 posts

Cafe Procope,on rue Dauphine ??, no I doubt they have a quick in and out timing, we waited at our table for 15 minutes before they came to give us our menus( and we had reservations, and it was not busy) , or should I say, we waited 15 minutes then got up and it is not really a cafe ( it is a restaurant, so slower then a cafe)

Try Cafe Atlas just down the block , or Cafe Buci,, or anywhere else really. I would just look around and go as early as is possible, cafes are open for early for dinner( light dinners) and restaurants do not often even open till 7 pm or later.

Try googling website for opening hours, you'd be surprised how many places have english transaltion websites.

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448 posts

Although i have no precise resto suggestion i would advise that for a 9:00pm train you go first to the are of the station...and then find a place to eat....There are plenty of restaurants around both gare du nord and gare de l'est and it will help your digestion if you eat near the departure site.

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194 posts

Just a word to the wise: A group of friends and I once got scolded in a restaurant/cafe in France for asking for the bill (we also had a train to catch) before we finished eating. Every place is different, I'm sure, but it might make the rest of your restaurant visit unpleasant. I know I learned my lesson!

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14 posts

Ok Thanks! Does anyone know what time we should get to the train station if our overnight train leaves at 21:18? Should we get there 30 minutes or 1 hour before departure? Also, is it possible to see what plaform we are on on the internet before we go? I can't find the platform on which whom I purchased the tickets from. Is there a French website? Thanks!!!

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16 posts

We were just in Paris and found the Rue Cler district a great place to find dinner from the shops. A baquette, wine, cheese and some sliced meat. Good, fun and inexpensive. Another alternative inexpensive way to eat is at the "chinese" restaurants. Different than at home but good. About 9E with bev. Great for lunch.

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251 posts

Whoever scolded you for asking for the bill was just being rude.French people do it all the time. Keep in mind there can be rude people everywhere, even in Paris.

I don't think your quai/platform will be posted more than 20 or 30. You may want to arrive a bit before that as once it is posted everyone waiting runs to the platform to line up. (If it is crowded there can be a push for space for luggage)

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11507 posts

Troto,, they asked for the bill BEFORE they were finished eating, French people do NOT do this all the time,, no way. Especially not in a restaurant,, a cafe near a train station perhaps,, but in a restaurant, well, it would be considered rude.