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In Italy now - having problems using Skype-WORKING NOW!! THANK YOU!!!

So signed up for Skype back home in Philly. It was successful, even put a test call to my fiance's cell phone. I came to Italy and it would not let me make calls yesterday. I went on today and paid another $3.50 to have a monthly subscription and charged it from my skype account. My balance is now $6 something and it still will not let me make a call to my father's cell phone or my fiance's! Do I need to pay more to call cell phones since I'm in Italy? I do not want to give more money and it not work! I tried to contact someone and there's no way to do so, it's all answered questions... Can anyone help me?? Thanks soooo much in advance!! Were in Italy until 3/29.

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9109 posts

Be more specific about the problems you are having. One thought.....though not widespread, there are a few ISPs (mostly owned by Telcom companies) in Europe which block Skype traffic, because if cuts into their long-distance revenues. Try using a different wifi "hotspot".

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144 posts

Are you calling on skype through a computer or on a cellphone? If on a cell phone, most skype apps wont work internationally. If you are doing this through a computer, I would recheck the way you dialed the number because you shouldn't have an issue if you have a big enough balance Another solution is if you family or finace have access to skype on their own computer even if there is no camera you can just do voice and go about it that way

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162 posts

Conor, Were calling on a dell netbook, sorry should have said that! That's why I'm confused at it not working! It worked to call his cell b/f we left and I have paid $10 for a credit account then today took $3 and change out and signed up for an account b/c of the calling issue... Ugggh! It says you can call anyone anywhere if you have an account...very frustrating b/c we did not bring a cell phone b/c we had the netbook and skype! Thank you so much for taking the time to try to help!! Were running out for awhile, it's 4:46 here so I'll check again for anyone's help!! Thanks and CIAO!!!

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893 posts

There are two potential problems that I see: 1) The ISP has blocked VOIP. Does happen. You can test this by trying different Hot Spots as has already been pointed out. 2) You aren't signed up for the correct Skype plan. From Europe, it costs 5,74€/month to call landlines and cell phones in the US. (Or you can buy different blocks of time for a per-minute charge.) My guess is you've signed up for a plan that assumes you are calling from the US, as your $3.50/month is quite a bit lower. As I'm not in the US, I can't actually view their plans from their website, it automatically re-directs me to the local site, so I can't be sure. The way around this is to try and use a VPN to make Skype think you are still in the US. THere are several free ones available, but bandwith might be an issue. Or see if there's a more global plan that would fit your needs.

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162 posts

Richard, Michael & Dina: Thank you. I signed up in Philly with just credit. So, it may be only USA. Then today, I started an account b/c I thought that may be the issue and I'm pretty sure I picked CALLING usa. I will try using a different area, my B&B offers free WIFI but I'll take the laptop out tomorrow and try other areas first...ALSO, since you mentioned it cost more, maybe I'll just add $10 more, which will give me $16 in credit. I should have put this in the first post, sorry!! The specific problem is I type in a number and I can't click on the call button. It's too late to call home now as it's 11:20 pm here. Thank you and let you know how I make out!! THANK YOU!!!! CIAO!!

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9109 posts

Sounds like you're having a network issue. Either the B&B is blocking Skype with a firewall or the ISP is blocking it. Another hotpot should solve this. Don't give Skype anymore money:) As long as you have credit in your account you're don't need any of the monthly plans.

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162 posts

Michael, I'll do as you say, just try it in another area first... I really did not want to spend any of my ITALY money on this again. Thanks so much!! :)

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162 posts

Whooo Hooo!! It's working @ my B&B! I think it was b/c I didn't also have an account! Either way, thank you all!!!