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In case you were looking to purchase a Pacsafe bag

I've been pretty set on buying a Pacsafe MetroSafe 200 or CitySafe 200 for my upcoming trip, and in case you were also looking to get either of these, they are about $20 off at REI through May 31!

I just bought my CitySafe, and it's great! Fits my DSLR, Moleskine, pens, and all the usual purse contents really well, so I highly recommend this as a daybag.

Posted by
97 posts

It looks like it's only if you're a member, and membership costs $20. So it works out if what you buy is more than $100.

Oop, sorry, my mistake. Those two bags are discounted without membership required. Got a bit confused there.

Posted by
11507 posts

Ok, nice, but my 40 dollar Derek Alexander has worked just fine for my last 5 trips. And I travel solo, so I need my stuff to be safe( no back up) .

I don't think the bag makes as much as of a difference as the person carrying it,, and how they do that.

Posted by
873 posts

I realize it may have sounded like one, but this wasn't really an advertisement for the bag. Just a heads-up that it's cheaper at REI right now, if you were thinking of getting one. I'm not looking for opinions on other bags.

Posted by
11507 posts

Well, you gave your opinion on "your" bag, so I gave my opinion on mine,, but on your threads only your opinions count?? Right, have a nice day Anna.

Posted by
16053 posts

Thanks, Anna, good find.

Pacsafe is in the process of introducing entire new lines of bags so I'm guessing REI is trying to get rid of the "older" ones.

And even though there might be those who like their bags and have no interest in buying a new bag, others on the board just might be interested to be made aware of the sale and hear that you like your new bag.

Posted by
11507 posts

Yes Frank,, I agree,,everyone should be free to express their opinions about their bags.

Posted by
2758 posts

Hi, Anna. I was planning to by a Pacsafe bag before my next trip, and I am an REI member, so thanks for posting this.

Posted by
4 posts

I bought two Pacsafe bags a few months ago. Darn!...If only I'd known REI was going to have a sale!
I'll bet your post will save others some money.
Thank you.

Posted by
1568 posts

Thank you for posting Anna.

I have PacSafe bags. They are as they are advertise....slash proof, snatch proof and tanper proof. I don't feel like I need to guard my bags as I would have to with others. However, I do keep them locked with small travel combination locks.

Posted by
873 posts

You're right, Pat, this thread isn't about Pacsafe bags as the title indicates -- it's all about ME! Clever of you to see through my guise.