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Imbedded links in posts

Has anyone else noticed that imbedded advertising links are popping up in some of the threads and posts here. Example - in the East - in the Russian Visas thread, the word "visa" in the original question is blue, underlined and links to a website (via where you can get a free $1000 Visa card. Further down the thread I found other links for a $1000 Walmart gift card, and another to a dating webiste (but I'm not really interested in "hot girls"). WTH???
I noticed they were all in the posts of the same user, but I am not accusing anyone, might be purely coincidental. I think I first noticed these blue links about a month ago, but never tried clicking on any of them before. Anyone else tried any of these ??

Posted by
9110 posts

There have been no embedded ads on my end. I entered the address of the Russia thread into three different browsers on my computer (Firefox, IE, Chrome) and no ads. I suspect you have some sort add-on installed on your browser, or possibly some piece of malware has been installed on your machine without your knowledge.

Posted by
2349 posts

I also just went to the thread you mentioned-no highlighted words at all. Maybe it's just you?? Seeing blue when no one else does? Thinking people want to give you free visa cards? Feeling creeped out yet?

Posted by
989 posts

Mike - Thanks, and let me clarify? So you looked within the body of the posts??? Do you have any idea what I can do to diagnose this if it's an issue on my netbook? I am an IE user but was auto-updated to IE9 a month or so ago. Maybe there's something in IE9.....since I've noticed MS CRM has issues with that new version. What version of IE are you using?

Posted by
32388 posts

Elaine, Maybe the Webmaster removed the links? I often do that on another Travel Message Board, as I have Moderator privileges.

Posted by
989 posts

Hey Ken - Well it's getting wierder. There are still links but the link on the word "visa" is now gone, but was replaced by a link on the words "hotel reservations". The other links are still there and two more now exist, they now exist on two poster's messages. They don't appear immediately when I open the thread - takes a little while before they appear as links. Curiouser and curiouser -- said Alice. I am especially anxious now to get home and check on my other laptops to see if I get the same thing on them. One of those has IE9 and the other is still on IE8. At this moment, I'll assume it's a bug in IE9.

Posted by
32388 posts

Elaine, I just checked that Thread, and there are some web links printed there, but not actively linked. On the page I'm viewing, there are no "blue" links. Perhaps there's a setting in the Browser you're using that somehow converts those printed links into active links (if that makes any sense)? Good luck!

Posted by
989 posts

Those printed links (I assume you are referring to actual URLs contained in the thread , they are NOT what I am referring to - like you say, those are inactive. I am referring to a "word", that is underlined, when you hover you see the words "", and when you click, a web page offer is displayed in a new window.

Posted by
23650 posts

Not seeing anything. Running a Mac with Firefox

Posted by
9371 posts

Elaine, I don't see any highlighted words in any of the posts. I, too, suspect malware. But if the posts are all by the same person, I would report that person to the webmaster and let him check it out.

Posted by
2092 posts

Elaine, I had the same thing happen to me a couple of weeks ago for a couple of days and then they were gone. Now I can't open the Home page or the Travel Store. I just get "site error". Anyone else have this problem?

Posted by
2191 posts

I can access the Travel Store and Home page of this site with no problem. And I don't see the blue links. I'm using IE9.

Posted by
4415 posts

It's just you; it usually is ;-) "...but I'm not really interested in "hot girls" We "hot girls" everywhere are offended...

Posted by
14903 posts

Darcy, try clearing your cookies and see if that helps. Doug has probably been eating at the computer again and crumbs have gotten in the keyboard! lol

Posted by
989 posts

>>> "Get a Mac!" Been there. Done that. Not a good experience.
I'm even iPhone-shy now. Michael - I'll try running that software later tonight.

Posted by
4415 posts

Darcy, hmmmm. Lots of people have gotten 'Site Error' the last few days on ETBD. But, if you've also gotten the 'Elaine links' (as I'll refer to them from now on)...hmmmm. I hope your computer isn't diseased :-(

Posted by
2787 posts

No "site errors" or funny colored words here - Safari on a Mac

Posted by
2092 posts

Michael, thanks for the malaware link but it didn't work. I then tried IE rather than Google and was successful! Why would that be? (Ja, I know, I'm technologically impaired....somewhat.)

Posted by
989 posts

I am still having this issue, so googled "text-enhance" this morning. Why I didn't think of googling this weeks ago - I don't know. I learned I was hijacked - that makes me feel SO special. Here is what I learned in case anyone else sees those same lttle blue links in posts on this website: Text Enhance (Text-Enhance) is a form of flash adware (categorized as a browser hijacker) which attaches to internet browsers as an extension and cookie without user consent. The primary website for Text Enhance does not even allow users to download their extension, nor can their extension be found on Google Chrome's extension database, nor any other browser's add on database for that matter. In other words, Text Enhance is not a realistic in text advertising service. Users usually notice they have been attacked by Text Enhance when webpages have links or hover links with certain spam advertisements and information in a pop up window (pictured). The owners behind Text Enhance generate income by providing advertisement services this way and selling personal information. Example: Hovering over the words racing teams opens up a small window showing a spam advertisement relative to racing teams.