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If you like schnitzel and are going to Heidelberg...

You really need to check out the Schnitzelhaus - they have 103 different kinds of schnitzel. We lived up there for a couple years and found them and were astounded, thought everyone should know about them. They are on Neckargemuntzplatz, easy to find. For anyone who loves schnitzel, this place should be like Mecca...

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33479 posts

That sounds wonderful!! I am stretching my memory but can't put my finger on Neckargemuntzplatz. Is that where the department store is, where the buses and trams turn, before the bridge?

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791 posts

That's the Bismarckplatz, at the beginning of the Hauptstrasse. The Neckargemuntzplatz is a little ways down past the old bridge, across the street that goes along the river. A lot of buses stop there as well and there is a tourist info point on the platz. The Schnitzelhaus is small, tucked away in the corner of the platz.

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14780 posts

Yes, I think I know the's where the statue the end of the Bismarckplatz Thanks for the tip.