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If, then?

If the last posting to a topic is more than say a few months, then lock the topic and require the webmaster to unlock if appropriate. This concept was sparked by a topic written on May 25, 2009, with the sole response (advertisement to me) posted today. Yes to if, then change?

Posted by
4183 posts

I absolutely agree with this although I can see no reason that anything asked or answered on this forum more than 1-2 years ago is worth finding. I'd wouldn't even put it in an archive. I'd delete it completely so that people will not find out-of-date and incorrect information. I'm sure others will disagree.

Posted by
348 posts

I think that is a really good idea. I love the idea of locking it but still being visiable. One of the things I can see it being useful for is researching places to go. I know over the years lots of people talk about their Germany Christmas Market trips. So I would like to see what has been said in the past. I would also know to take with a grain of salt something from 2009 and know that it might not be relavent.

Posted by
1446 posts

I'd like to see any thread over 6 months old (from last post) be automatically locked. There's often valuable info in these old threads, so they should still be searchable and readable.

The best recent example of this was an old car rental thread that got revived by a shill post. There were lots of contributions at the time of the original discussion - this is important to keep.

The locking of old threads would prevent newbies from tacking on, or just plain hijacking, an old discussion. This would give their 'new' question, even on an old topic, the attention it would need to get a current answer, IMO.

Posted by
11613 posts

I completely agree with locking old threads (6 months or even a little less).

Posted by
10690 posts

I agree with locking old posts, but allowing them to be seen. I think a 6 month cutoff is reasonable.

Posted by
9371 posts

Add me to the "lock them after six months" list! It would save so much confusion from spam posters and others who just don't notice that a thread is old.

Posted by
4415 posts

6 months would probably be a good cut-off point.

But...I don't have a cow about resurrected posts...I just check the date of the OP before posting, usually ;-) Resurrecting an old post isn't a personal disaster in my world. That can make for a nice trip down memory lane...see the recent "Hula-hoop lady" thread...

Posted by
3428 posts

I agree about locking the threads at a given deadline. I could even agree with a 2 or 3 month 'locking date'. I'd also love to see the date of the last reply along with the original posting date and the name of the OP on the 'listing' of threads.